Chapter 2: Appraisal and Inventory!

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The forest was quiet, only the chirping of the birds and insects accompanied with the rustling of the leaves can be heard. Along with the subtle scent of the greenery and the fresh gentle breeze, it could become the perfect place for some meditation.

It was a serene place. No humans, no chaos, nor any sort of disturbance could be observed no matter how deep one would travel to. It was truly a treasure trove of calmness and beauty.

But along this perfect scenery, there was "something" sticking out like a sore thumb. And what might that "something" be? It was a young man who seemed to have just woken up from a long slumber.

After he stretched his hands towards the sky, he then started twisting and turning as if trying to test out if all the joints in his body were working. He clenched his fists and threw them into the air in front of him, one after another.

'Amazing...' [Grey]

The man did all the strange acts he could imagine, even doing a triple backflip, and to his surprise, all the pains he had after reaching his mid-twenties were gone. In fact, it seemed that his body had gotten much better, even much better than it was when he was in his teens.

At that moment, all he could feel was endless happiness, along with his seemingly endless youthful stamina. Even though he has only been in that new body for a moment, he was already thankful for the great benefits he had received.

'I wonder how I look.' [Grey]

As he wondered about such a question, Grey wandered in the forest towards a certain direction. He looked left and right, and once again confirmed how beautiful the forest was.

In his short journey, he saw brown rabbits hopping around, little birds landing on the small branches, and even a deer peacefully eating its meal of various greens. But most importantly, he found what he was looking for... a puddle!

Slowly and cautiously, Grey drew near the puddle and as he saw his reflection, he unconsciously opened his mouth in surprise. In the reflection, what he saw was not the face of a middle-aged man nor a Filipino man. In fact, it was a face he had never seen before.

Grey touched his face gently as he looked at his reflection, as if checking if it was really his. In the clear puddle was a face decorated with luscious black hair, violet eyes which had deeper colors than any jewel, and skin fairer than any woman he once knew. And even though his face contains qualities many women yearn for, it was undoubtedly a young man's face.

Seeing his reflection in the puddle, Grey couldn't help but be perplexed. It was one thing if his face looked mid-twenties, but it was undoubtedly from someone who is still in their mid-teens.

From his memories, he recalled that he and "God" agreed that he will be reincarnated as an adult, but judging from his own reflection, one could infer that that wasn't the case.

Grey tried to rack his brain for answers why he looked like that. At first, he thought it was just a mistake, but out of nowhere, an answer popped into his mind.

In Merusia, those who have reached the age of 15 will be considered an adult. In fact, children working before at the age of 15 or even 10 are not uncommon. It was truly a baffling difference between Earth and Merusia that Grey just hasn't held a tight grasp on.

Having figured out the reason why, Grey had another question. It was on how the heck he had obtained that knowledge, since he can remember correctly that he and "God" didn't talk about it.

He wanted to think about it at first, but decided no to and just continued heading towards the direction he was heading to. After all, thinking about it will just make his head hurt if he couldn't find the answer. It wasn't that important of a question anyway.

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