Chapter 89: The King's Summon

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The cheers and bustling noises of the populace echoed towards the vast blue sky and into all sorts of directions and the smell of steaming foods wafted the marketplace as the sun reigned proudly at its zenith.

By the time Fritz's lengthy and tedious lecture ended, it was already noontime, and as usual, Yuna and Grey were the ones who cooked lunch for everyone as per Elise and Elaine's previous request.

Although neither Grey nor Yuna hate the idea of cooking for somebody else, the two seemed like they have become some kind of part-time cooks, and without pay as well. They already have enough money that they don't know what to do with it.

As for their lunch, Grey and Yuna decided to cook zebra crab stew, chicken filets, hamburg steak, spicy curry, beef skewers, and of course, rice to accompany them. There was also the juice and smoothies which had yet to be finished.

As for the meat they used, they only made use of normal ingredients from the mansion's pantry. Fritz didn't allow them to use precious ingredients without much thought a second time.

With the dishes at hand (inside Grey's "Inventory") Yuna and Grey returned to the garden table where everyone was waiting for them. The children were especially excited to have lunch and enjoy a meal with everyone.

"Elder Sister Yuna, Older Brother Grey, what are we having for lunch?" [Eliza]

"You'll find out soon, but have you washed your hands yet?" [Yuna]

"Un! I did!" [Eliza]

"Me too!" [Galvin]

Following Eliza, Galvin also raised both of his hands with extreme enthusiasm, trying to show Yuna that he already had them washed cleanly. Elnart also followed along, albeit more timidly.

"My~ What good children you are!" [Yuna]

Yuna said, patting their heads gently as if giving them a reward and the children received it with delightful expressions evident in their faces. Especially Galvin, the youngest one among them.

"Then, shall we have lunch? We had already set the table." [Elise]

"Ah, be there in a second." [Grey]

With the plates and eating utensils ready, Grey slowly retrieved the dishes he and Yuna cooked and served them on the garden table. They were still smoking hot and the drinks were still chilled.

Elise and Eliane's eyes searched for certain things but failed to find them. They were looking for desserts, but since they didn't find any, they soon focused their attention on the smoothies and grabbed some for themselves.

"""""Thank you for the meal!"""""

Their voices in unison, everybody grabbed their spoons and slowly fed themselves one alter another. As the tender and juicy meats melted in their mouths, delightful expressions were drawn on everyone's faces.

"Delicious as always." [Fritz]

"Grey and Yuna really are good cooks. I wish I could hire you two... Do you want to work for us?" [Eleanora]

"Sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline. We still have other works to do." [Grey]

"Hmm... That's a shame..." [Eleanora]

Even though Eleanora was half-joking with her offer, she was still a little dejected that she won't be able to get Grey and Yuna to cook for them at any time. She had taken quite a liking to their cooking.

Like usual, Galvin and Elnart eat their meals happily. Elaine was smiling as she drank her smoothie which was a different flavor from the one she had for breakfast. As for Elise and Eliza...

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