Chapter 124: The First Fight

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The forest, green and peaceful, full of life and brimming with vitality. Yet no matter how peaceful it was, there was bound to be disturbance no matter where one goes. Disturbances such as chunks of ice or bursts of wind flying in all directions.

《Blizzard》 [Yuna]

A cold wind swept through the forest, freezing the moisture in the air and plating the solid ground with ice. The wind, while freezing looking gentle, was harsh enough to turn almost everything into ice and breaking them down slowly.

It has been a couple of days since the housewarming party, and currently, Grey and Yuna are on another quest, a D-rank one where they are required to subjugate a group of treants which have been roaming about one of the main paths in the forest.

Of course, as their opponents were but E-ranks, it doesn't take Grey and Yuna much effort to wipe them out. But rather than destroying them in one go, they both toned down their strengths just so that they could train a little, or rather, it would be just too boring if everything went so easily.

"Haap!" [Grey]

A punch went straight to the face of a treant, blasting it towards its kin and hurling them dozens of meters away. Grey's punch didn't leave a mark, or rather, it was too powerful that the part his fist connected had been crushed to smithereens.

As for the treants up against Yuna, there was nothing needed to be said. All have become frozen statues, marked with hundreds of cracks all over its body. A few seconds later, they inevitably broke into pieces and bursted in a cold explosion. A complete destruction.

《Megaton Shotgun!》 [Grey]

As a finisher, several punches came blasting simultaneously in a single direction. Not only the treants, the boulders, trees, and everything else on the way was blasted into oblivion in a mere second.

"Phew... That was quite the warm up." [Grey]

"Grey, are you alright." [Yuna]

"Yeah, how about you? Are you hungry? Thirsty? How about rest?" [Grey]

"No, not at all. I have just drank some water. Maybe a little bit of rest." [Yuna]

"Alright then." [Grey]

Hearing Yuna's response, Grey smiled gently. He then opened his "Inventory" for a quick moment and retrieved all but a single picnic blanket. Gently, Grey placed the blanket on the ground filled with soft and green grass.

"Please take your rest, Milady." [Grey]

"Fufufu, thank you, Sir Grey." [Yuna]

Despite how ruined their surroundings were, filled with broken trees and boulders and a lot of monster drops lying around, Grey and Yuna still managed to make themselves comfortable and feel relaxed.

It was still some time until lunch arrived, and while Yuna was not hungry, Grey made the courtesy of serving themselves some snacks and refreshments. All the while enjoying what beauty remains of the scenery before them.

With how rich the forest was with natural mana and a little help from Grey and Yuna, the surrounding healed itself quickly over time. New saplings, grasses, and all sorts of vegetation grew. The ground was also starting to restore itself albeit slowly.

As for the familiars, they were out deeper in the forest, hunting for monsters to eat. Since it has already become a routine for them to go deep in the forest and wipe out the stronger monsters, Grey and Yuna are not too worried about them.

If there was something they were worried about, it was that the familiars would go overboard with their hunting, leaving no quests available for adventurers to take. It would be troublesome if that were the case.

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