Chapter 128: Memories Never Forgotten

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Boots strapped, coat worn, and equipment ready. It was still early in the morning yet Grey and Yuna were already prepared for an adventure. An adventure unlike their other ones. It was an adventure towards the Elven Kingdom, Ingrasia.

It has been a few days since Grey and Yuna shopped together. Thankfully, they were able to buy everything they needed. While the wines and music box cost quite a sum, they were nothing compared to the fabrics before. Those ones were just absurd and extremely expensive.

Having readied themselves, Grey and Yuna did a last tour around the town, greeting their acquaintances for the last time before heading out. The last place they headed to were the southern gates were stationed in.

"Oh, so you're going to Ingrasia this time, huh... Must be nice, I also wanted to explore the world when I was younger..." [Dale]

Mumbled Dale as he reminisced about his past. He was not even that old to begin with, yet the way he was acting made him seem like an elderly man. It only made Grey and Yuna chuckle a little.

"Well, I guess you'll be staying there for quite some time, huh... Make sure to take care of each other, kay?" [Dale]

"Un! We'll surely do!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha, that's the spirit! Now, why don't you get moving already? You still have quite the long journey ahead of you." [Dale]

"Yeah... And see you later, Mister Dale." [Grey]

"Bye~!" [Yuna]

Waving their hands goodbye, Grey and Yuna slowly headed off towards the horizon. With each second passing, their figures became smaller and smaller until they were completely out of sight. Their journey has now started.

After heading out of town, Grey and Yuna ran diagonally into the direction of the forest, searching for a clear area to do their bidding. Of course, they weren't just going to travel on foot. They had wings to rely on, after all.

"Come out, Sirius." [Grey]

At Grey's behest, the wind in the forest started to waver and the ground trembled slightly. Soon after, a magnificent figure took form, one which resembled that of a platinum-scaled dragon, fearsome yet beautiful.

"Hmm... It's been quite a while since we've seen you in this form. How are you feeling, Sirius?" [Grey]

"I'm more than fine, Master." [Sirius]

Replied Sirius as she stretched out her wings into the open air. She has usually been in her wolf pup form and now that she was in her real form, she felt a little strange. Well, not that it can hinder any of her abilities.

"Good morning, Sirius." [Yuna]

"A lovely morning as well, Mistress." [Sirius]

After stretching her wings and whipping her tail a little, Sirius knelt to the ground and lowered her wings. Even without Grey and Yuna telling her what to do, she already knew what she was summoned for and was simply performing her duty. She was more than happy to be of help.

"Sorry to trouble you again, Sirius, but we'll be in your care." [Grey]

"This is no trouble at all, Master. This one is more than happy to serve." [Sirius]

As soon as Grey and Yuna were on her back, Sirius spread her wings openly as much as she could and in just a mere fraction of a second, she flapped her wings powerfully, bringing forth bursts of winds and sending herself hundreds of meters up into the sky.

A few more flaps later, she was already at the level of the clouds. It was white on the level of the eyes, blue on the sky above, and green on the ground below. There was a clear separation of colors.

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