Chapter 10: Exploring the City

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Chatter Clatter Clacking

The hustle and bustle of the city could be heard as the morning sun rose in the horizon. Compared to the forest's morning symphony of birds chirping and leaves rustling, the city was very much livelier.

Woken up by the bustling noises, Grey was greeted with an unfamiliar ceiling as he woke up in an equally unfamiliar room. Although he had spent the night familiarizing his new room, it still felt strange for him to wake up in a different room.

But more than that, Grey had become increasingly worried, thinking about what he should do for his outing (date) with Yuna. Especially since it was also his first time in a medieval fantasy city.

While Grey had experienced a date during his teen years in his previous life, it has already been a long time since then. There is also the problem that cities on Earth and Merusia are different from one another. After all, there are no such things as magic tools back on Earth.

"Ah, forget it..." [Grey]

Giving up on thinking too hard about it, Grey decided to go with what a normal date would normally have. As long as Yuna could have fun, Grey thought that everything would be alright.

But there was one slight problem... money.

Deducting all their expenses, Grey and Yuna only have a little more than 150 kiels in their possession. Of course, that is not counting the bizarre things in the "Inventory".

In Merusia, the average minimum wage lies at around 80 kiels, an amount which is not too much nor too less. But if one would want to spend an extravagant day, forget 150, one would need at least double of that.

There are many things in their possession that they could sell such as monster drops, but they still haven't registered in a guild so such a method was difficult. Especially when the two still looked young. People will most likely look at them with dubious eyes if they sell high-quality drops.

"Oh, you're up already, Grey?" [Helen]

Whilst thinking about where to earn money, Grey descended down the stairs and while he was doing so, he was greeted by a question from Helen who was carrying a basket full of laundry.

"Ah, yeah. I was thinking aboー" [Grey]

It was then that an idea popped into Grey's mind, making him stop midway as he responded to Helen's question.

"Ah, Helen, you serve meat in this inn, right?" [Grey]

"Yes, we do... why...?" [Helen]

Rather than words, Grey answered Helen with a bright smile plastered on his face, thrusting the latter into confusion.

Grey then shortly explained that he had some horned rabbit meat in his possession, and asked if the inn would be interested in buying some from him.

At first, Helen was doubtful of Grey but the moment she heard what it was for, her eyes sparkled and her attitude immediately changed as she dragged Grey towards the kitchen.

Unknown to Grey, Helen was actually quite famous to the customers, not only because of her friendly and cheerful character, but because of her other tendency. She was the type of character who'll happily help out other people and give them advice, especially when it comes to romance.

The moment Helen heard the word "outing", a switch suddenly flipped inside her brain and translated the word automatically into the word "date". Suddenly, her goals switched from "hanging the laundry" to "making sure her customers have the best date ever". A change that took place in less than a fraction of a second.

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