Chapter 84: A Pain and A Serious Pain

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The wind was still and so there was barely any noise to be heard. The Headmaster's office was blanketed in a tranquil and silent atmosphere. Peace was all over the place as the Headmaster continued his work.

Yet, despite how quiet the office was, just a few hundred meters from it, it was the exact opposite. Constant screams of students as they were chased around by monsters echoed throughout the training ground. It was pandemonium.

While he was a little concerned about the new instructors' training regime, the Headmaster couldn't really say anything as it was a very effective method. A far more effective method that any teaching style the Royal Academy had ever used.

The Headmaster's eyes were glued to the students as he watched them struggle against opponents much stronger than them, all while being watched by their new instructora just a few dozen meters away from them.

"Practical training, huh..." [Arnelius]

The Headmaster mumbled to himself as he continued to watch the students' training. And when his curiosity was satisfied, the Headmaster took his seat and then continued to work with the paperwork.

Three days ago, the Headmaster received a summon from the King. The summon was of course in relation to the new instructors for the Royal Academy which will temporarily replace the injured instructors.

As the Headmaster, it was Arnelius' responsibility to answer the summons, and so he went to the castle as soon as he finished with his work. It was already almost evening by the time he arrived.

During his way to the castle, there was one thing that bothered the Headmaster greatly. It was the fact that he had to be summoned rather than being told by a messenger. It was then that his intuition told him that there was something more to it than just a simple summon.

Another thing was that he was not summoned to the throne room. Rather, he was summoned in a more private room much deeper into the castle. It meant that it was going to be something along the lines of a great secret.

"Ernes, I'm here. What's this summon all about?" [Arnelius]

"Hahaha, still as casual as ever, huh, my friend." [Ernes]

"Well, it's just the two of us anyway. And didn't you hate formalities? Don't tell me you've actually become a proper king now." [Arnelius]

"Hey, I'm still a king, you bastard! At least show some respect!" [Ernes]

"Sure, sure, You Majesty... So, why did you call me?" [Arnelius]

From serious to casual to serious again, the atmosphere in the room after the Headmaster entered changed frequently. It was because there were no prying eyes around that they were able to be so casual.

"Well, take a look at these." [Ernes]

The King handed the Headmaster a file as he drank a little glass of alcohol with the other hand. It was a file which contained information about the temporary instructors which will serve the Royal Academy for three weeks.

Upon receiving the file, the Headmaster quickly scanned through its content and found nothing unusual. All the new instructors were knights, adventurers, or former ones. All were at least at F-rank with three even at D-rank.

"Hmm... They all look decent, but... aren't there too few of them? There are still two slots empty." [Arnelius]

"That's why I called you here." [Ernes]

Said the King as he handed another file. It was much thinner and only contained two pages, each of which contained information about a new instructor. They were for the alpha classes of years 2 and 3.

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