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Danika's POV:
I take a cab to work again, like the last few weeks, because Hotch still hasn't given up where he put my bike. We've had a few arguments the past few days as well as to who's fault it is that my bike is gone in the first place.

Last week I actually started yelling at him and telling him that I would get him arrested for theft. But him being a previous lawyer wasn't any help to my case, plus I couldn't prove that the bike even existed in the first place. Stomping out of his office that day was awkward for everyone because he hadn't closed the door that time, and they heard everything we said. Including when I called him a; suit-owning bigot who was also a pig-headed-dictator.

Basically I called him a; SOB with a PHD. The shade of red his face was when I stalked out of the room was intense. I thought his head might actually explode.

Inside the office I see my desk has been replaced with a motorcycle. One that's not mine, it's much nicer than mine was.

"What the hell is this?" I ask Derek as he walks in, but he seems just as confused as me.

"Call it a truce." Hotch calmly says from the top of the steps and then walks into his office without another word.

I look over at Derek to see if I heard what I just thought I heard or not. He just shrugs and I huff, then make my way up the stairs to Hotch's office. I enter the room without knocking and he looks up from his desk.

"What the hell?" I ask and he furrows his brows at my remark.

"Pardon?" He asks in a polite manner and sits up in his chair, slightly adjusting his tie as he does so.

I walk over and cross my arms, carefully examining the room for some hidden camera, or someone to jump out and tell me that I've been pranked and then for Hotch to write them a check for a job well done. When I can't seem to find anything to suggest that might happen I look back at him. He looks at me with a patient look, waiting for me to say something else.

"What's your angle?" I ask, knowing this can't be free.

"I told you, it's a truce. An apology." He says and I cross my arms not believing him.

"You think I have some ulterior motive?" He asks as he leans his one arm on the arm rest of his chair and I scoff.

"Obviously." I mock and he sighs as he stands up.

"Our last case, I was too hard on you, and that wasn't fair, especially since it was your first team case. Think of the bike as an apology gift." He expresses, as if it's that simple.

"A gift..." I repeat out loud, making sure I heard him right and he simply nods but I narrow my eyes, not believing him.

"You know, when someone gives a person something without expecting anything in return?" He asks as if I'm dumb, as if I don't know the meaning of the word Gift.

"I know what a gift is, asshole." I mutter and he quirks a brow from swearing at him, but he doesn't look angry.

"Where the hell am I supposed to do my work if I don't have my desk?" I quickly change the subject.

"I'll have your desk brought back." He replies in a professional manner.

I nod then leave his office, not wanting to drag this out longer than I have to. I can't help but be confused with the interaction as I walk down the steps. He doesn't seem like one to apologize. Especially buy something this expensive as an apology.

"Everything okay?" Derek inqures as I walk back over to where my desk used to be.

"Said it was an apology gift for being so hard on me my first case." I disclose and Derek furrows his brows and looks up at Hotch's office.

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