Player 3

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I watch as a brunette female leaves Hotch's office after he leaves. She's wearing a bright red shirt and has bangs over her forehead.

Hotch goes over to Gideon and asks a question and Gideon seems just as confused. They start walking towards the meeting room and I lean back in my seat.

"Danika!" Hotch yells and I know he's calling for me to follow.

Ever since I refused to look into Elle's mind about the shooting, he's been a pain in my ass. He's made me stay late to help with paperwork almost every night. When we do get a good case he barely lets me work it and worst of all, he moved my desk into a corner away from everyone else.

I head up to the conference room and see that the rest of the team is already there.

"Manhattan is in trouble." JJ says.

"They've got two serial killers." Hotch explains as he looks over at me.

"This killer abducts his victims from clubs, dumps them in the woods. They consulted us months ago after the third murder."

"Well, now it might be up to six. Ellen Carroll's been missing since yesterday. The first two victims were found near the North Woods in Central Park." JJ explains.

"What's the story of these women?" Hotch asks about the other set of victims.

"Eight victims. All prostitutes. Latest is Marci Mitchell. She was killed last night with a .44 Magnum. All are tied to a serial shooter, claiming responsibility. He's contacted Jim Meyers, a reporter at the New York Times." JJ explains.

"So he's not getting the attention he thinks he deserves. He signs it the 'Hollow Man.' Names himself for the press."

"Why Hollow Man? What, does he feel empty inside or something?" Derek questions.

"You know prison can fix that real quick." I mutter and Hotch glares at me while Derek snickers just a bit.

"He uses hollow point bullets. No one even knew this guy existed until he sent this letter." JJ explains and shows us a letter.

"Well, he's killed more victims, but look who he's chosen. Hundreds of victims go unnoticed because they're social outcasts who never make the front page." Hotch says as he looks at the board.

"When North Woods kills, the Hollow Man shoots another prostitute."

"Competitive serial killers." I scoff at the idea.

"They've been killing independently of each other for a year now."

"With each kill they're learning something from the other."

"Player three has now joined." I say in a deep muffled voice and everyone looks over at me.

"Seriously?" JJ asks.

"What? I thought it was fitting." Derek says and gives me a high five and Hotch just bows and shakes his head.


We head off on the jet and I take my spot on the couch.

"Even though there are roughly 30 serial killers in the US at the same time. It's an incredibly rare occurrence to have them operating in the same city." Reid says.

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