21st Century

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"Welcome to the 21st century." Garcia says as she hands us tablets.

"We've gone paperless?" Reid asks sounding disappointed and I remember that he loves his books.

"Fear not, doctor of the Dark Ages. I went old school for your anti-technology quirk. Paper files, hard copy photos. But the abacus is your responsibility." Garcia says as she hands him a file and Morgan chuckles.

"Garcia, not that I don't appreciate your efforts, but exactly where did the funding for these come from?" Hotch questions and she has a guilty look on her face.

"I did a thing." She states innocently.

"A thing?" Hotch asks.

"Best not talk about the thing."

"We'll talk about the thing later." Hotch says and I swear a see a hint of a smirk on his features.

"Okay. Instead, let's talk about Wayne Cambell, 38 years old. He went to the police and claimed he was going to be murdered. He had gotten a threatening note that told him so. When the police turned him away, he attacked an officer and got arrested." Garcia explains.

"He was found dying in his holding cell, wasn't able to be saved.." Morgan points out.

"What's the COD?" Reid asks.

"Arsenic poisoning."

"Ah, an oldie but a goodie." Rossi states and I start zoning out.

Poisonings are boring, most likely female.

I don't get much zoning out time when I feel a foot gently press on mine and I realize it was Hotch. He noticed me zoning out, I must do it quite a bit because he doesn't look too annoyed or upset with me.

"When news spread of Campbell's death, an officer in a nearby precinct remembered Helen Mitchell. Six days earlier, she showed up with this letter she had found in her mailbox a few days before." Garcia expalins and I read the letter.


"Was it investigated?" Morgan asks.

"They started a file, but Helen wasn't especially concerned." Garcia answers.

"And in light of Cambell's death, they exhumed Helen Mitchell's body, and lethal amounts of arsenic were found in her system as well." Hotch adds.

"Hand written letters, poisoning by arsenic, we could be looking at a female Unsub." Morgan offers.

"Females usually don't write in all capital letters." I counter.

"Could be to try and throw the cops off." JJ offers.

They continue and I just zone out again and I can see Hotch looking at me from the corner of my eye. I ignore him and look down at the file on the tablet, pretending to listen to the conversation.


We get on the jet and everyone seems to have their seats. I remember in Morgan's memory that I usually took the couch. I go over and plop down like the memory and no one seems to notice that anything is off.

I think about trying to go into the minds of the cops and what they know. If they left anything out taht they didn't think was pertinent, but decide against it. I need to try to act like I used to, go along with the team and how they find the Unsub.

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