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My phone goes off and I sit up in the bed and answer it.

"Hello?" I groan.

"This is Danika, right?" Lydia asks.

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask.

"I think I found a body." She says in a scared tone and I sit up more now.

"Where?" Is all I ask and she tells me it's in the school.

"All right, stay where you are." I tell her then hang up.

I get dressed and hop on my bike and meet her over at the school. She's standing in the hall, not moving.

"Where is it?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" I ask.

"I'm done being the one who finds the bodies." She whines and I huff and get my flashlight out and head towards the gym.

I look around and find one of the deputies lying by the bleachers. I get my radio out and call it in. I hear footsteps and get my gun out only to point it at Scott.

"Son of a bitch. What the fuck are you doing here?" I growl as I put my gun away.

"Lydia called."

"I thought I told you to stay out of this." I growl and shove him out of the gym.

"I'm only here to help." He counters.

"How can I get this through your head, stay out of my way, and stay out of this investigation!" I shout.

"But I can help! I have the ability to help!"

"Just because you have your special little abilities doesn't mean it's a pass to do whatever the hell you want!" I shout and shove him out of the gym, up against the brick wall.

"Yeah, because you're doing such a great job!" He scoffs and I feel something inside of me on the brink of snapping.

"Okay, everyone just calm down." Stiles says and I grit my teeth but let go of Scott.

The cops arrive along with Patrick and they go look at the crime scene. I lean against the wall while they do their thing. Stilinkski comes over with a sad look on his face.

"Tara, my deputy." He huffs and shakes his head.

"They're going after cops now." Patrick mutters.

"Wait, wasn't she a teacher before she was a cop?" I ask Stilinkski and he nods.

"Then it could be because of either." I huff.

"But didn't he already go for teachers?" Stilinkski asks.

"Well, Harris was in the military, as was the music teacher." I counter.

"So we're they philosophers or-."

"Warriors." I answer and Patrick nods.

Stilinski goes to talk to his son and I stand there with Patrick.

"I have to say, I don't think I've ever seen killing like this before." He admits and I nod.

"Yeah, gotta love the nut job killers." I huff.

"Aren't they all nut jobs?" He asks.

"No. Some of them have legitimate reasons." I scoff.

"Fair enough." He agrees.

"Danika, I want you to take lead on guarding the school during the day, no one gets in or out, especially if they're not teachers or students." Stilinkski orders.

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