Bleed It (Trilla Suduri)

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(Y/N) is the first Inquisitor initiated by the Empire. When Lord Vader tracks down a new potential Inquisitor, it is up to (Y/N) to bring her to the Dark Side. Only issue? Trilla and (Y/N) were old friends, and this brings up problems for him.

Requested by Meg_Alfa


2nd POV

You couldn't believe your luck. You knew the Jedi were heartless creatures that deserved to be out down in a very painful way, yet this was bad, even for them. Master Cera Junda, in an attempt to save herself, sacrificed her Padawan to the Empire in exchange for her life. And who was this Padawan? It was your lifetime friend, Trilla Suduri.

She sat motionless on the cold floor below her; all of her fight seeping from her thanks to the betrayal of her master. It was pitiful, really, yet you felt sympathy. If this was any other Padawan, you'd feel nothing for them. You would likely laugh in their face while striking them down. But, you had another idea for Trilla.

Opening your com link, you contacted Lord Vader. Your heart hammered in your chest. You were scared of Lord Vader, which anyone with a brain also shared those feelings. It was hard to contact him without having a panic attack, but this was an exception where you had to seem strong. If Vader sensed you had any biases to Trilla, he would command you to kill her.
"Yes, 1st Brother?" the voice of Lord Vader interrupting your thoughts, "Why have you contacted me?"

You cleared your throat and nodded, "I have found a Jedi Padawan with an exceedingly strength that I have not seen before in any Jedi. Her master abandoned her to my forces here, and I wish to have you meet her and decide if she should be trained as an Inquisitor."

Vader was silent for a moment. Of course, the Emperor's orders were to kill any and all force sensitives that around found during the raids, but even Vader knew the Inquisitors' numbers were dwindling with the kindling Rebellion. It would be smart to recruit more, especially since Vader's end goal was to assassinate the Emperor. Everyone knew this.

"Very well," the Sith Lord responded deeply while looking towards his crew, "On route to Naboo."

That was easier than you had anticipated. You'd expected to have to fight Vader's instincts to keep your childhood friend still breathing, but Vader always surprised you without fail. It's as if he purposefully did unexpected things to always keep you on your toes. No matter, Trilla will likely be spared by Lord Vader once he recognizes her abilities, and she will become an Inquisitor.
Bending down on one knee, you bowed to your master. He didn't even acknowledge the bow, and turned off the com link without even saying goodbye. That was fine by you— you didn't care what Vader did.

Turning to Trilla, you walked over and smirked underneath your mask, "I never expected to see you again, Trilla."

Trilla's head slowly looked up from the metal floor below. It was obvious she was crying, as her eyes were a shade of whitish-crimson, and there were tear streaks staining her cheeks,
"I wish to not know how you know my name, Inquisitor," she responded, her voice cracking from the tears of defeat.

"I am closer than you'd ever know," you replied while pacing in front of her. Of course, she wouldn't be able to recognize you in this state. Your helmet, similar to Lord Vader's helmet, altered your voice into a deeper, more intimidating sound that struck fear in all of your enemies.
Your force signature had also changed once you abandoned the Jedi Order and fell to the Dark Side.

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