This is the Way (Darth Vader)

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(Y/N) has know Darth Vader since he was just Anakin Skywalker. She is a Mandalorian, and Vader has invaded Mandalore. Neither of them expect to see each other, which makes the Sith question his commands.

Requested by StarRadio


1st POV

I shot down countless TIE-Fighters as they came into range. I was a natural with the tanks, and it was obvious that the Empire hadn't expected Mandalore to fight back this hard. My people and I weren't going to go down without a fight, that's for sure,
"House of (L/N), get into the shops and attack the Imperials from above!" I commanded while taking down another TIE-Fighter.

I was the head of house (L/N), and I have been for a very long time. It had also been a long time since anyone had challenged Mandalore with this level of skill. For once, I was actually afraid that my people and I might be bested. There were quite a few talented Mandalorians fighting on my side, but still... the Empire had the numbers and the supplies, while we simply relied upon what we had on Mandalore, and that's it.

The Mandalorians that heard my cries of command instantly jumped into their ships and did as I had requested. Now, there was fire raining from the skies as my men and women knocked down as many ships as they could. There was something frightening about winning so far. I am more than familiar with Darth Vader and the Emperor, and those two men didn't like losing. I am worried that this will somehow summon Lord Vader himself to take care of my people and I.

"Keep it up!" I yelled while taking to the sky on my jetpack. There was an onslaught of Jettroopers headed towards me, and I wouldn't let them get the upper hand.

I pulled my blasters off my belt as I took to the sky. Jettroopers had stronger armour than their Stormtrooper counterparts, so the smartest offense against these guys was by aiming for their jetpacks. I successfully took down two with this tactic; their jetpacks smoking and exploding within seconds of being hit.
My family in the sky also managed to take out a handful of the Jettroopers as well; allowing me to leave the sky and rejoin my forces on the ground.

"(Y/N), look!" the voice of my little brother, who went by the name of Liam (L/N), said while pointing up towards the sky. Above our location, blocked out by clouds, was a Star Destroyer. But, not just any Star Destroyer— that's the Executor! That's Lord Vader's ship!

"Oh God," I whispered while staring up at it. There were many thoughts going through my mind at this moment, and none of them were good. If the Sith Lord is actually here on Mandalore, there's nothing we can do to save ourselves.
The Darksaber has been lost for years... there's no way for us to defend ourselves.

I spotted an Imperial shuttle lowering from the Star Destroyer above, and my stomach dropped. That must be Darth Vader,
"All Mandalorians! Focus on that Imperial shuttle!" I shouted while getting back onto the cannon, "That is Darth Vader's shuttle! We need to shoot him down before he lands or else we are all dead."

Panic began to spread through the (L/N) clan. Honestly, I usually would've tried to encourage bravery amongst my people, but there was no point. There is no way we could counter Vader. We, the Mandalorians, are warriors against soldiers like Stormtroopers, but Vader is a whole new ballgame,

"Stay strong!" Liam shouted while waving his arms around to gain everyone's attention, "We are the strongest clan on Mandalore! The Empire and Darth Vader will feel our wrath just like every other enemy we've fought! Even if we all die today, at least I can die happy knowing we tried, and I can die happy knowing the Empire will go home licking their wounds! Who's with me?"

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