One Step Closer (Commander Bly)

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(Y/N) (L/N) is the Jedi General of the 327th Clone battalion. While she and her battalion are visiting Kamino, a certain Sith apprentice is also sneaking around the planet, looking for (Y/N) personally.

Requested by Shester2021


2nd POV

The rain of Kamino was never ending. Today was no different. The only difference on Kamino was the fact that my battalion and you were around. Commander Bly, your fiancé, and you, had decided after losing too many men the past few rotations, you needed to go to Kamino and identify a few Shinies who will be lucky to join the ranks in the 327th battalion.

The 327th battalion were your best friends. You didn't like making the hard decision to add more to the ranks. When a Jedi General had to do something like that, it signified and highlighted the incredible losses that they had gone through. It was nothing to be proud of, and every Clone resented more Shinies being added. More Shinies meant more of their brothers had died in the previous battles. It wasn't easy for anyone involved.
Bly was no different.

"I know I was made for combat, as were all of my brothers— fallen or still alive, but I hate war," Bly whispered while leaning on a wall that was facing the downpour that always plagued Kamino, "This just instills that hatred I have. More and more of my brothers are dying everyday and no one cares."

You inhaled sharply through your nose. You knew how much this time hurt Bly. You'd been his general for a few years now, and it never got easier. However, it wasn't just the Clones that suffered losses. The Jedi lost people too— lots of them at that.
You were a rare Jedi that thought attachments brought strength instead of weakness. Because of this, everyone of the Clones you'd lost had taken a toll on you.

"The war will end someday, my love," you whispered as a group of Clones in red armour walked by. You still wanted to provide support to your fiancé, but without the risk of getting caught in the process, "I too believe that this war has caused so much pain and suffering, but it can't last forever."

Bly shrugged; his expression unreadable. You understood his pain, but you didn't want to say that. Bly had just lost his lieutenant in the previous battle fought by the 327th battalion— a Clone named Galle. Galle was Bly's greatest friend and most trusted ally, besides you of course. He wasn't taking it well.

"Bly, I know Galle was a hard loss, but we need to be strong. We are stronger together, and Galle knew that too. He would want us to remain strong together; not apart. Let me in," you whispered while thumbing away a tear that had suddenly appeared on the commander's cheek, "Talk to me."

Bly sniffled and pushed his helmet atop his head to hide his tears from his fellow troopers. Last thing he needed was his brothers seeing him cry,
"To be honest, general," he began, calling you general. He only called you general whenever what he was about to say was serious (or of course, if someone was nearby that might overhear and be suspicious of pet names), "It's not about Galle— not really anyways. I just figured he would live forever. He and I trained together when we were both Shinies, and if he can die, then anyone can die. I'm most worried about losing you in combat."

You clicked your tongue as it finally all made sense. Bly had been a bit distant after Galle's passing, and you just assumed it was the way Bly mourned.
In reality, Galle's death just reminded your fiancé that no one is immortal.

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