Hostage (Tup)

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The Inquisitors saw in a vision that the one way to get to (Y/N) (L/N), a Jedi Knight, was to get to her boyfriend, Tup. They capture him to get to her.

Requested by TheDogLady2002


1st POV

The Republic had fallen over two years ago, and it had been an endless uphill battle for my boyfriend, Tup, and I. During the Clone Wars, my boyfriend had tried to warn the Republic and the Jedi Council alike to what the Kaminoans were planning with the Clone army, but no one would listen.
There had been an assassination attempt on his life, which is when you decided to take Tup and abandon the Jedi Order. The assassins (likely hired by the Chancellor) had murdered Tup's best friend, Fives.

If only my friends had listened to Fives and Tup— then maybe the Jedi Order wouldn't have been defeated and the Galactic Empire wouldn't have been formed. It's poetic in a cruel way, as the Jedi ignored Tup's warnings because he's a Clone. Their downfall.
I didn't care at all— good riddance to the Jedi and the terrible things they stand for. I live for one purpose, and that purpose is Tup. Without him, life isn't worth living.

However, the Jedi did have one good point. Relationships and attachments cause weakness and painful downfalls. It doesn't matter if the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy had an attachment; they would still lose everything in the end.

Because of my attachment to Tup, I created a weakened point that my enemies would inevitably take advantage of. Unfortunately, that advantage would come sooner than later.
To be exact: that moment would come now.

I awoke alone. Tup had definitely fallen asleep by my side the night before. The two of us were absolutely exhausted after a wild hunt to collect our dinner. We had succeeded in bringing home a beefy Shaak, but barely. Tup and I had been getting rusty and lazy which caused our hunting skills to drop,

"Tup?" I groaned while turning over in our bed; rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, "Where are you, babe?"

There was no response. Perhaps he was making some eggs with Shaak meat for our breakfast, but even then, he still should've heard my calls for him. A wave of anxiety overtook my body— the force was trying to tell me of something. I'm afraid this warning is bad... and it's about Tup.

I quickly rose from my spot in the bed and speed-walked towards the kitchen. It was absolutely untouched like the night before. That's what I was afraid of.

However, there was one difference I immediately pointed out as I attempted to regulate my fear and slow my racing heart. There was a holocom on the kitchen table that was neither mine or Tup's.
I walked over to the holocom and pressed the button on the side.

A blue light illuminated the darkness from the lack of sunlight in my kitchen. All that was eligible from the note was coordinates and these words:
"5 hours."

I checked the time that the holocom had been placed... 3 hours had already passed by, which meant I had only 2 hours to track down my boyfriend and bring him home. I have no idea what Tup's captors will do to him if I don't show up in time. I also don't know what they want with the two of us. I didn't owe anyone credits or anything like that...

Without a second to breathe, I snatched up the holocom and headed towards the outside of my hut. Thankfully, the captors had left my vessel alone, so at least I had a ship that could jump to hyperspace for these coordinates.
That was probably on purpose.

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