Fleet Under Attack (Admiral Thrawn)

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(Y/N) is one of the highest-ranking members of the Empire under Thrawn. She receives a cry for help from the Grand Admiral when his fleet is under attack by the Rebels, and she steps in to save him.

Requested by dragonsfangs


3rd POV: Thrawn

Sweat dripped down the back of his neck as he watched another member of his fantastic fleet fall. Fire filled up the dark expanse of space as all life forms disappeared from the Star Destroyer,
"Officer Motto, do you copy?" Thrawn yelled into his comlink, "Is anyone able to copy?"

There was no answer, which is what the Chiss expected. Whenever a Star Destroyer bursted into flames, it was unlikely that there would be any survivors. However, he hated not asking, and felt obligated to see if Officer Motto and his crew were okay.
The Rebels had attacked out of nowhere. Thrawn hasn't expected anything like this in a million years. The Rebel's forces were seemingly too spread out to formulate an attack to this caliber, yet here they were.

There was one other person Thrawn believed he could call that could actually help the situation— (Y/N) (L/N). Thrawn and (Y/N) did not get along at first. Thrawn was originally very intimidated by (Y/N), but they soon grew very close. She was always reliable, and Thrawn knew no one better to help than her.
Licking his lips, he called her up.

2nd POV: (Y/N)

Silently, you stared out into space; overcome by the pure beauty of it all. Being a member of the Empire, all of this beauty was underneath your fist. Everything you'd ever desire from it would be yours once the Rebels were defeated.
You had moved up the ranks of the Empire pretty quickly, becoming an Admiral. Of course, the twelve Grand Admirals were still on top, as well as the Emperor and Lord Vader, but you were still very high on that totem pole.

Suddenly, out of no where, your comlink began to flash. Walking over, you inspected it immediately; assuming it would be one of the Officers with a stupid question that you had answered millions of time. But, it wasn't. On the other end of the comlink was an unexpected call from Grand Admiral Thrawn.
The Admiral and you weren't overly close. He and yourself have had some very tender moments before, but nothing too serious. The two of you agreed to remain professional once you received your promotion, and it has been perfectly fine.

"Admiral (L/N)," you said while picking up the call, "What can we do for you, Grand Admiral?"

Thrawn cleared his throat and sighed, "I wouldn't ask you for anything unless I really needed it, you know that right?"

Your thoughts went everywhere at that. Was Thrawn going to break the promise the two of you made to keep things professional? Or was it something else?
"Depending on what it is you're going to ask for, I might help you."

You saw Thrawn roll his eyes and shake his head, "It's nothing like that. The Rebels have advanced far past where we anticipated and they're taking down my fleet one after another... I need help."

You smirked and chuckled while motioning for your Officers leading the Star Destroyer to head towards Thrawn's coordinates, "I suppose my boys and I can help you. I never anticipated you to get tricked by the Rebels. What's happening, Thrawn?"

"Just shut up and get over here now," Thrawn said; purple brushing over his cheeks at the teasing you were giving him, "As I said, I wouldn't ask unless it was important."

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