Chapter 1: The irrational entrance exam

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All rights to the Manga characters go to Kōhei Horikoshi.

I only own my OC, her parents, the pet cat, and anyone else who is not a canon character in the Manga.

Rule number one to be aware of, is that sleep is pointless when your an insomniac. Especially when your an insomniac of the Aizawa household...

The clock read 3:00am...crap.

Underground hero Shota Aizawa groaned at the sound of loud meowing and claws scratching at the closed bedroom door. His cat was a adorable little nuisance. Her little meows were getting louder signaling for him to get out of bed. A pair of dark half-lidded eyes shifted towards the closed door. With a slightly twitching right eye he growled softly in irritation as the meowing grew in volume to a shrill. He sighed and slowly shifted up onto his elbows with a grunt as his unkept shoulder length black hair hung partially in front of his right eye.

He moved it out of his face and stood up being carful not to wake the sleeping figure beside him. The woman shifted onto her back and groaned in her sleep.

"Go feed the cat Sho...I'll be up in a minute..."

Shota rolled his eyes and smiled softly as he kissed her forehead gently and left to feed their little terror. He opened the door and stared down at the black and grey stripped cat with lime green eyes. A happy meow came from the cat as she padded at Shota's bare feet with her fuzzy white paws that mimicked little socks.

"Hello Tsukiko..." he yawned, "huhhhh come on let's get you fed." He smirked and scratched behind her ears. "You little terror."

Tsukiko followed her sleepy owner towards the kitchen. After he fed the cat Shota made two cups of coffee. He smiled softly when he heard the yawning of the woman coming down the hall.

"Huhhhhh...good morning."

"'s the cure to no sleep. Our godly salvation." Shota mumbled sleepily as he handed her the cup of coffee. Akemi took the cup with a chuckled grin and held it close in both hands before taking a long sip. She sighed loudly. "Ohhhh thank the coffee gods for gifting us with this heavenly drink!"

Shota smirked into a chuckled laugh and kissed her cheek as he sat down on the slate grey couch and turned on the news. Those reporters were still showing the aftermath of that sludge villain All Might defeated. Shota rolled his eyes with a unamused scoff and quickly changed the channel as Akemi walked over. With the hooked barbs of her long hair she pulled open the curtains and allowed the morning twilight to filter into the room.

"Today's the practical entrance exam."

Shota scoffed as he grumbled under his breath. "It's more like an irrational joke for those without a psychical quirk."

Akemi rolled her eyes despite agreeing with the man. "I know, but sadly their potential is all up to the judges not us dear....well not until they are in our classes. Just don't go expelling another freshman class dear."

Shota turned off the tv with a huff of irritation since there was nothing on that was worth watching. "I make no guarantees. Hopefully my class won't be a complete waste of my time this year."

"Let me know if that sludge villain kid is in your class so I can prepare. From what I saw that day in the shadows, is that he needs a good attitude adjustment. That other boy however was very brave for rushing in like that. He acted like a hero whereas that other boy was just insulting him for trying to help. Despite not showing any signs of a quirk, that green haired boy was still incredibly foolish but you can't deny that it was also incredibly brave."

My Hero Academia: Shōta Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now