Chapter 41: The Bakugo residence and a brief celebration

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An hour after Shota and Akemi left the school Akemi kissed his cheek and said. "I'll be home later darling then we can celebrate before you have to go to the press conference with the vultures. I'm going to the Bakugo residence."

"Alright I'll see you at home."

Akemi was apprehensive about this as she rang the doorbell. The door opened revealing a female replica of the explosive teenager. Akemi took note of the redness of the woman's eyes. Her heart bled out for the woman.

The blond woman blinked in confusion, "Uh may I ask who you are?"

Akemi bowed her head slightly, "My name is Akemi Aizawa. I came here to see how you and your husband are doing."

The blond sniffled, "Aizawa? Are you his wife?"

Akemi lifted her head. She nodded, "Oh right yes. I am."

The blond blinked, "Strange. No one has mentioned of him having one, but Katsuki did say something about it...he tends to mumble in his sleep mostly about the Haironago. Huh I always figured that they were simply nightmares from all the times he's read about the ancient Yokai myths."

Akemi rubbed the back of her neck, "Ah yes, Shota and I try to keep things under wraps but our students failed in espionage. We're not much for the hero popularity like All Might. We're Underground heroes."

The blonde woman's eyes then widened as she saw the barbs on the woman's hair. She gave a stunned lopsided smirk that was mostly from the shock. "To think all those Yokai stories I've read to that boy are actually real!" She chuckled softly as she wiped her eyes and shook her head. "Huh what a world we live in, now that mumbling of his makes sense."

Akemi smirked. "I can assure you I try to live up to my hero names scary reputation as I train my students, but not to the Yokai's brutal degree."

"Oh so your a teacher too?"

"Yes although I go by Akemi Yuriemoto when I'm teaching to keep my personal life a secret from our enemies...actually if I may please do keep this knowledge a secret."

"Of course I know how you pro hero's work. I'm a social worker have had the unfortunate situations of pro hero parents sending their kids into foster care to keep them safe."

Akemi blinked in shock. *A social worker...I'll have to keep that in mind.* She was pulled out of her thoughts when the ash blonde woman spoke with a smile.

"Oh but where are my manners I'm Mistuki Bakugo please come in! Would you like some tea?"

"Of course I'll help you."

"Oh you don't have to!"

"I's the least I can do."

Mitsuki took a deep breath. "Thank you...I know my son can be trying at times what with that stupid awesome quirk of his. He got praised for it as a boy and it went straight to his head! He's to prideful for his own good, but he's a good kid and I..."

The woman had tears in her eyes and Akemi felt tears forming as well, she wiped her eyes and mumbled softly under her breath. "Huh these stupid pregnancy hormones are going to be the death of me..."

Mitsuki gasped in glee as her smile appeared. "Your pregnant! Ohhhh how along are you?"

Mitsuki's smile was contagious and Akemi smiled as she placed her hand upon her now slightly growing stomach. A slight bump had started showing. She had figured she was just getting fat, until she did that pregnancy test.

"A month going on two I think? At least that's what Recovery Girl thinks then again accurate pregnancy care isn't really her forte compared to healing care..."

My Hero Academia: Shōta Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now