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Shota woke up grinning and Vlad met his gaze with a smirk. "Heh never thought I'd see you looking like a Proud Papa Aizawa."

Shota's grin turned into a deadpanned glare. "NOT A WORD VLAD! NOT A SINGLE GOD DAMMED WORD YOU HEAR ME!"

"I got it jeez Aizawa relax and stop using your quirk your dry eyes will be hating you later."
Sero, Sato, Kirishima, Ashido, and Kaminari looked like they'd pass out...Ha, To Bad!

"Hey remedial group keep at it!" His capture scarf wrapped around Kirishima's forehead and pulled his grimacing head backwards.

"Yes sir!"

Mina Ashido sounded like Akemi in the mornings. "I need more beauty rest."

Sato spoke with a tired tone. "Who knew yesterday's extra lessons..."

Sero spoke, "Would go on until 2:00 in the morning..."

Kaminari finished, "and then start back up at 7:00."

Shota smirked. "I told you it would be tough remember your not just improving your quirks your also working to overcome the many weaknesses I saw in the final exams. Think carefully about why your more tired than the others before you start whining."

He pulled harder in the scarf pulling Kirishima until he was bending over backwards. "You Have Much To Improve Here." He let Kirishima out of the constrictive binding and the red headed boy fell to his knees.

"Right Yes Sir!"

Shota turned towards Miss zero gravity and Mister naval laser and spoke bluntly. "Uraraka, Aoyama, the same goes for you as well. Your team didn't fail but you were very close. I'd say you passed the preverbal finish line by only a hair."

Ochako halted in walking while floating a rock the size of her head and upper abdomen. "IT WAS THAT BAD!"

"Yes so don't lose focus each of you can move faster and no matter what you're doing just remember where you started from. Don't forget who you were before coming to U.A. Always keep in mind why your sweating and why your limits keep getting tested, that's what it means to improve."

Shota turned when he heard Midoriya's voice. "Hey uh Mister Aizawa it's already the third day of camp..."

"Weren't you listening?" He jumped down to Midoriya's level on the training ground. "Stay focused."

"I was just wondering if All Might, I mean the other teachers from U.A. will be joining us?"

"Like I said before we came out here to keep the camp a secret from the villains hardly anyone knows where we are. Not even Miss Yuriemoto knows."

Ragdoll shouted like an excited child. "That's Why You Get To Train With Us Four Pussycats!"

"An think about it we believe All Might is one of the League's targets, so we can't have him here. It's for your own safety. For better or for worse that's what he gets for standing out so much." He scoffed and walked away.

Pixie-Bob's voice caught the students attention. "More importantly tonight's gonna be fun! We're pinning classes against classes in a test of courage! I know you've been training hard today and later you'll get to play hard! How's That For A Reward?!!!!!!"

Kendo was regretting this hero course decision more and more now. "That just sounds like more training!"

Jiro's whining was pitiful. "And training in the dark no less!"

Tokoyami's "Revelry in the Dark" was disconcerting.


"Yes maim."

Shota smirked. *The Test of Courage...*
Shota was surprised by Bakugo's culinary knife skills. *Akemi you might just get dethroned for having the fastest knife cutting skills in the kitchen.*

Shota listened to Midoriya and Todoroki's conversation of Kota.

"I was just wondering what All Might would've done to help him if he was here, I mean what would you say to him Todoroki?"

Shota smiled over Todoroki's compassionate advice. "It depends, to have a complete stranger try to change your mindset sounds like an irritating conversation. What matters are actions, you have to show him what your trying to prove right? If your going to rely on words alone then they better be incredibly powerful what you say doesn't matter near enough as what you actually do!"

"Your right I went about this the wrong can I a complete stranger say anything to him."

"I don't know what your goal is when it comes to this child, but it seems to me like you shouldn't be sticking your nose into delicate situations. You tend to cut to the heart of people's can be annoying."

Shota smirked. *Yeah well so is having two hero course classes knowing about my personal life. I'd get used to it Todoroki.*
Pixie-Bob was excited and Shota's eye twitched, god their was only so much peppiness a guy can take in one day!

"Alright bellies are full and dishes are done...It's Time Forrrrr—!" Mina Ashido interrupted her.


"We're gonna win!"

Shota smirked. "Not so fast! It pains me to say this but the remedial class will be having lessons with me tonight instead."


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Shota smirked. "Sorry about that..." he wasn't sorry, as he captured all five of them with his scarf. "Your training today didn't impress me so I'll be using this time too." He pulled the scarf and caused them to fall over onto their backs.

The boys voices were in unison. "Aw give me a break I just wanna test my courage!"

My Hero Academia: Shōta Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now