Chapter 84: Eri meets the Pretty Lady, the Baby, and the Purple Haired Aizawa

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A few days passed by and after some persuasion from Shota and puppy-dog eyes from Eri the hospital staff allowed Shota to bring his small family to visit her.

Emiko was giggling at a tired looking Hitoshi. "Oshi! Oshi!"

Hitoshi was grinning softly as Emiko was waving at him from her baby stroller. She was surrounded by the plushies of her cockatoo uncle and daddy along with his little unicorn version. "When are you gonna start crawling around and cause mom and dad to have a few panic attacks over where you crawled away too? When you do will you let me know so I know not to visit?"

Shota scoffed and Akemi smirked and spoke jokingly. "Hitoshi..."

"What it's true! They say that crawling baby's are one step closer to walking and when that happens—your doomed." He smirked as he shoved his hands in his pockets. Shota walked beside him and shoved him gently with his hip.

"Watch it boy your starting to act like a younger me and that's scary."

"Aww I didn't know what would scare you more, a soon to be crawling baby girl or me becoming a younger you?"

Shota grunted and walked ahead of them. "Come on Eri's waiting. Oh and don't tell the students that you all saw her before Togata and Midoriya alright."

Shinso zipped his lips and threw away the key with a smirk and Emiko giggled as she covered her little mouth and babbled.

Shota smirked softly at that before arriving at Eri's hospital room. "Wait out here first..."

Shota lightly knocked on the little girl's hospital room, "Eri, it's Mr. Aizawa."

Eri perked up, "Mr. Zawa!"

Shota slowly opened the door. He told his wife to stand to the side with the stroller. He wanted to introduce the idea to the child. Shota moved to the child's bed before kneeling in front of her.

He started, "Eri, I have a very special surprise for you. Remember when I showed you those pictures of my small family?"

Eri nodded her head. "I wanted you to meet them. I hold them all very dear in my heart and Akemi she's really nice. She really wants to meet you and help you in anyway she can."

Eri blinked at the man and noticed a barbed black haired head peeking out from the doorway, a single wide blood red eye was visible. Eri looked back at the man and shyly pointed, "Is that her...?"

Shota nearly scolded mentally at his wife. Shota glanced behind him seeing a quick disappearance of a familiar barbed head of hair and heard a familiar squeak of happiness from Emiko and Shinso chuckling. "Shhhhhh Hitoshi stop making her laugh!"

Shota smiled, an actual smile, towards the child, "Yes, that's her. Would you like to meet her?"

Eri started wringing her fists on her hospital gown. Slowly the girl nodded. Shota called to his wife, "Akemi, you all can come in."

Akemi slowly pushed the stroller in. She nervously laughed, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. She was so cute."

Hitoshi casually walked in with a smile on his face. Eri stared at Hitoshi and blinked. "He looks like you Mister Zawa!"

Hitoshi chuckled. "Yeah I get that a lot. Hitoshi Shinso-Aizawa it's nice to finally meet you Eri."

Suddenly Emiko started babbling loudly and Eri straightened up on her bed trying to push herself over the dark haired man. Shota noticed it out of the corner of his eye. The girl was curious about who was in the stroller. Shota held out a hand to the girl, "Would you like to meet her?"

My Hero Academia: Shōta Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now