Yakuza Part 2

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I scowl at my goon. Souza had been approached by a group calling themselves "The League of Villians"

"Did they follow you?"

"Not here maam. They gave me this though"

I snatch the burner phone immediately looking for any location services or trackers. Fortunately there was none I could find.

"They want to talk about our gun dealings"

"I will handle this. It's good to make men wait" I pocket the phone glaring at my goons before sending them off.

A headache was already fast approaching until I came to my meeting room. I could feel a presence behind the door.

I draw my knife readying myself. I kicked the door open grabbing the person to slam them against the wall, my knife meeting their neck.

Honey eyes met mine, "So you can tell the presence of things around you"

"How the fuck did you get in here" I pressed the knife closer to his neck

"Well that's no fun. If I tell you, you'll tighten up security"

His cocky smile pissed me off. My meeting room was the center most point of my base. Many armed guards stood in the area so how the fuck did he get in here.

"You aren't happy to see me? You seemed so desperate last time we saw eachother"

"Don't fucking test me" I let the knife barely cut into his skin. I didn't want to give him the chance to embarrass me this time.

My head was pounding by this point trying to read his every movement. I could feel the air pulse with every beat of his heart. It was startlingly calm making even more annoyed. I just wanted a second of peace.

I dropped my quirk for what only felt like a minute. The knife in my hand was smacked out of it letting it skid a few feet away.

"Woops, looks like you lost your weapon" that cocky voice rang I looked at it skidding across the floor. Then I turn back I see Hawks holding the burner phone, "Wooow. The LoV huh? That's pretty low, even for you"

I snatch the phone back with a growl, "That's none of your damn business"

"Feisty today aren't we? Trust me. You don't want to get caught up with them" he shrugged moving to my throne like chair.

"They are strong. They seem to want just a weapons deal anyway"

"Heros are on them like stink on cheese. You don't want to get caught up with them, especially if we are to keep our little deal here going"

"I can't tell if that's a warning or a threat"

"Friendly advice" he flopped onto my chair looking happy with himself, "I feel like a king sitting in this. I've seen my share of evil lairs but I haven't seen a throne like this"

"That's my throne thank you, you actually belong on the floor infront of it bowing down to me like a dog" I sit on the armrest glaring daggers at him leaning on the other arm.

"Ooh, such big words coming from a little Yakuza Leader. Just cause you lead this district doesn't mean you're hot shit. I've taken down bigger organizations than you" he twirled a feather between his fingers before letting it glide over to me and gently brush my cheek, "But I like you, I think we could make an arrangement"

"You don't wanna play this game with me birdy, I will chew you up and spit you out so fast"

He actually laughed, "You think you're funny. I could have you begging on your knees without having to lay a finger on you"

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