Till death Part 5

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I am so frusterated lately. We share a bed most nights but she's so distant still. Maybe once a week I'll have her in my arms, those nights I get the best rest.

When she's real pissed at me she'll sleep in her separate room which always seems to piss me off right back.

I can live with it except for some reason lately I'm just so frusterated by it. I was close to crawling in bed with her in her room until I saw the very obvious carrot on the cutting board infront of the door. A knife chopped it in half.

With all time of strife, I go to my best friend, Koji.

"I don't get it" I sigh twirling one of my feathers

"When was the last time you jacked it? That's a good stress relief" he shrugged

"Be serious" I scoff

"I am, scientifically its true"

"Im never alone anymore, she's in the house with me and 9 times out of ten in my bed"


"If I touch her i risk my fingers" I set my head in my palm moping

"Its a year in a month right?"


"Wait, doesn't that mean you're marriage isn't legitimate?"

"What?" I look confused

"You know, consimating or whatever?"

"I don't know man" I scoff

"Hey, I meant to mention this earlier but is there something wrong with your feathers?"

"What??" I look at the feather in hand confused

"It looks...more red I guess?"

"Dude I think you're going insane"

"I was actually mentioning it cause you kinda smell too"

"I showered this morning asshole" I smack him in the shoulder

"Hey, someone's gotta say it" he laughed.

"Maybe its my jacket? I haven't washed it since she lives-"

"You haven't washed your stank ass jacket in a year!?" Koji gocked

"I can't wash it at home!" I defend

"Dude you're fucking gross!"

I pull my feathers to my wings letting them spread fully before inspecting my jacket...he's right. It is kinda nasty.

"When was the last time you took care of your wings?" Koji raised a brow

"Why?" I raise a brow

"I guess its been a while since I've seen them" he shrugged, "Definitely more red than I remember. Look a bit different, they're almost fluffy looking"

"Ha! Don't have that stellar memory anymore do you" I smirk

"Shut up birdbrain" Koji scoffed, "Go do your lunch or whatever"

I headed out. Lunch can go long today. I don't have much Happening. Especially since doing these lunches. Working with that other clan group has been stressful though. Especially since I have to work with Dabi.

I sigh heading inside as I get to the house, "Honey I'm home"

"Yeah yeah" she glared from the kitchen

"What? You didn't miss me?" I smile hanging my jacket and walking to join her.

"What the-" she stopped and put her hand out to stop me in my tracks, "What is...that?"

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