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(Not my usual stuff but I wanted to test birdy bird boy)

You know when you catch your dog eating something you don't want it to eat and it starts chewing faster and you have to pry their mouth open to get it. Ya this is much worse. This is pissed off raccoon cornered in my garage worse. I'm not sure if they will run for try to fucking attack.

"Hawks I swear to God spit that out right now!"

Golden eyes stared through my soul as he slowly dropped the poor pigeon.

A few hours ago I wouldn't have believed this possible.

They called me Hummingbird due to my wing. My colorful wings are small and make me quite agile. Problem is I need a lot of energy in order to fly, it also drastically increases my body heat when I do. If I fly for to long without eating I can potentially pass out and crash without warning.

What started out as apprehending some criminals turned to a hospital visit. Hawks had been struck blindsided.

We gathered info about the villians quirk. It was simply called revision. It was only effective on mutant types and would cause them to use their base instincts clouding their judgment.

That leads to now. I was tasked (Punished) to watch over the now literal birdbrain. Taking him home and trying my hardest to keep him in line.

I had a heart attack when he opened and flew out the balcony, then again I think its worse watching the pro hero come back with a bird in his mouth.

I watched him for a while while outside but i couldn't chase after him cause he is too damn fast. He kept circling and diving. When he finally did land on the balcony he grabbed my hands staring at me. I tried to pull him inside but he immediately flew off again.

"Hawks...where did your shirt go?"

He tilted his head sideways giving a confused look. He sat down on the floor looking around. Before pulling his wings in.

I felt almost relieved until he started putting feathers in his mouth to straighten them. The dumb bird has hands! HANDS!

I locked the balcony and grimaced at the poor bird at his feet. Grabbing a trash bag for a barrier i slowly picked it up. Hawks eyes locked on me the minute I touched it. They were wide staring into me. I wish he'd talk, if I knew what he was thinking I'd be less nervous.

I looked to inspect the bird only to watch it blink. I nearly jumped out of my skin before breathing a sigh of relief.

I hurried to the balcony releasing it. When I turned back around Hawks was already back at the door looking ready to go back after it.

"No! No no no, bad. Back inside" I pushed on his chest trying to get him to budge. It wasn't till the 3rd shove he finally budged and let me shove him back inside.

I closed the balcony relocking it. When I turned back Hawks was staring again. I pushed on his chest trying to move him back but all he did was stare at my hands. He grabbed the back of my arms giving them a squeeze before placing them on my shoulders.

"Off" I pulled his hands off.

His expression was so hard to read. I couldn't tell if he was happy, mad, sad? Who knows. He suddenly stood up straight puffing his chest out spreading his wings.

I have had enough of this. He must be hungry if he's bringing in other birds.

I shove past his wing towards the kitchen. A hand grabbed my wing only for a moment before letting go making my whole body flinch.

Hawks X Fem reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now