The wrong girl Part 3

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(Anyone else notice the trend that part 1 and 2 come out super fast then part 3 takes for fucking ever? Just me? Ok)

Keigo is like a guard dog for the rest of the day. He is content sitting on the floor and laying his head on my lap.

It honestly makes me feel powerful. Instead of a villain having a fluffy Persian or Mancoon I have a pro fucking hero getting head pats.

Though all good things must come to an end when I head back to the 'house' though for Keigo its more a cell. Arriving in front Keigo instantly shrunk.

" i was good right? I was good" he looked so hurt like I betrayed him but I always intended on returning him here.

"Come on Keigo. Don't make this difficult"

"Please kid, not again. Don't leave me here" he starts to tear up.

Fucking hell. I get out of the car and go as far as the leash will allow, "Well I guess you can just be alone in the car then"

It only took a matter of seconds for Keigo to come clamoring out of the car and to my side. I head inside reattaching the leash to the original long one so he has full access to the house again.

Yet he doesn't leave my side. I can see him get nervous everytime I go anywhere near the door.


He perked up from his spot on the couch looking over the back if it at me, "Yeah?"

"Why didn't you run today?"

He stared for a long moment, "I... don't want to...I think?"

"You think?" I shake my head confused

"I can't describe it" he sighs laying over the back of the couch to look at me, " Or at least pretend to. If I go back..."

"You have adoring fans" I roll my eyes

"It's different" he sighs petting the couch cushion, "I can't be honest with anyone. I can't have friends, hobbies, or even my own fucking name... not to mention anyone special to me... don't get me wrong I like being a hero! I like to help people. I want to make the world a better place no matter what! But... sometimes it feels so wrong"

He sat silent for a moment before speaking up again, "Its different here... with you. You compliment me for dumb shit. You praised me for just cleaning the floors and it made me so... happy. You know my family, now even my name. If I go back...I'd be free, yeah, but I'd lose this freedom I have with you"

I fight the heat that wanted to rise into my cheeks, "Keigo... the other night when-"

His cheeks went crimson instantly, "We should just forget about last night. It never happened!" He laughed nervously turning on the TV, "Oh look this is a good show!" I watch him cringe seeing it turned to the news.

I sigh using my phone to remotely shut off the TV while getting up, "Come on pretty bird"

Keigo stared me down as I approached with big eyes. I watched him visibly gulp, "A-and do what?"

"Talk, about last night"

"A-an-a-and what about latest night" he looked nervous as hell; all his tension in his shoulders as he sat up pin straight

"Well a lot, first-"

"Iamsofuckingsorryiactedthatwaylastnightiwasjustsofuckingdesperate" he word vomited

"Run that by me again?" I blink

"Last night drunk sorry" he looks fucking terrified at this point.

Some little part of me...stupid part of me hoped that wasn't the case. I sigh and nod, "Ok then. I guess. Sorry about pressing you. I shouldn't of while you were intoxicated"

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