Fuck up

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(I just wanted to write something fun)

The front desk woman quickly dialed Hawks secretary to give her the warning for the whole floor.

Endeavors agency rep is here again. (Y/N) has been visiting to update Hawks on the team up but every time she does the office goes into chaos. After the first visit the whole office now knows to prepare.

(Y/N) isn't the problem. Hawks just has a major crush and can't control himself. He has knocked over filing cabinets, accidentally broken windows and put more holes in the walls than Swiss cheese. His wings are the main danger, hitting people and causing havoc. He becomes a stumbling mess every time she comes in. Biggest problem is, she thinks that's just him normally.

Readers POV

I knock on Hawks office with the needed file. He has some things to sign off on and we also need to discuss a few deal terms.

The door swung open to show the familiar birdman with a awkward smile.

"(Y/N) what are you, er, uh, how are doing here?" He covered his face with his jacket collar.

He is so sweet. He gets so shy one on one with people, "I have some files to go over with you"

"Great! Come in" he gestured into the room steping to the side only to bump into the door.

I try to keep from laughing. Poor guy.

The meeting went fairly smoothly this time. Though he did run into his desk and stub his toe. Twice.

"I'll see you on the news Hawks. Its a pleasure working with you like always"

"I, eh, uh, hi eh" he gapped

I wait patiently for him to gather his thoughts.


"Hmm? I can see if we can have coffee at the next meeting with Endeavor"

He grabbed the fluff of his jacket wringing it in his hand. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear it.

"I wa-"

My phone suddenly rang cutting him off.

"Sorry, I gotta take this" I apologize excusing myself, "Email me if you need anything else"

Hawks POV

I pout on my desk. I let her slip away. Again.

"Hey boss...struck out again?" Koji sighed

"I could hardly say a word to her, and if I did I just rambled incomprehensibly"

"Thats rough buddy. Chicken?"

I nod. He placed a bucket of chicken on my desk, "How bad you hurt yourself this time?"

"Stubbed a toe" I shrug, "I did get her to laugh though" I smile lightly thinking about it.

"See? That's progress at least"

"Yeah" I perk up, "I also tried to ask her to coffee"

"How'd she respond?"

"Thought I wanted it for the next meeting" I slam my head on the desk

"Well. At least you tried. Better luck next time"

"Thanks Koji" I smile grabbing a drumstick to chew on.

Patrol is always boring. I scan the ground while flying over. I'm bored. My eye catches on something. Holy shit its (Y/N)! I watch as I fly by. She isn't in work clothes. She is in casual clothes. She's waiting by the fountain for someone?

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