Demon part 2

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So warm. I snuggle into the warmth more. A hand bopped me on the head making me sit up to meet (Y/N)'s glare.


"Can you not nuzzle my bosom?" She huffed

"You are the one who made me lay here" I roll my eyes as she gets up.

Before I know it I'm out shivering in the cold while she is looking around a dark path, "Can't we go back to bed??"

"Not until this issue is solved" she finally got up and started walking towards a nearby well.

"What issue is that?" I huff

"Him" she smiled at a man who sat by the well twirling a coin in his hands

"And who might you be?" He smiled kindly

"You can call me (Y/N)" she smiled back keeping a distance

"Would you like to make a wish in the well?" He offered

"I don't believe so sir. It appears you have water weeds in your hair" she pointed out

He chuckled lightly running a hand through it to pull a few out, "It appears i do"

"Is this your well?"

"No just simply where I like to sit and have a chat"

"Chatting with strangers is dangerous you know"

"I know the dangers but enjoy the stories" he extended his hand, "I am Merkel"

I watch her eye the hand before shaking her head, "How many fall for such a trick?"

The mans smile fell before returning more sinister, "More than you'd think"

"Um... can I get in on the situation here?" I call out confused

"Well Keigo. You are looking at a water horse" she explained, "Better known as a Kelpie"

"Are you here to convince me to leave?" He stood

"Depends on your intentions" she shrugged

"I have to eat" he chuckled

"The village has fish and ram"

"Not as good as mortal flesh" he sighed

"Wait wait, he eats people?" I grimace

"He is fae, it's regular" she shrugged, "I understand your hunger but not your means. This well of where the town comes to drink"

"A perfect place for me to be" he chuckled

"I will ask again and give you till tomorrow to relocate"

"Then I'll see you at the suns rest"

She turned on her heel forcing me along again, "Can I get some context?"

"What more do you need? He is a kelpie who has invaded the towns well. Any who touch him He drowns and consumes"

"Can't he just go somewhere else?"

"He can, if he's not stubborn" she huffed.

Readers POV

I need to get supplies and morning is already peaking through the horizon, "Keigo, you are going to help me sell my wears today"

"Sell what?"

"What's I've gathered from my travels"

I grab my satchel from the room and head to the market.

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