Till Death part 8

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Dabi...dabi Dabi Dabi. Who the fuck names their kid dabi?

"I got nothing" Siguya sighed

"You checked first and last names?"

"No one exists named Dabi"

I bite my nail in frustration. He gave me a fake fucking name. I swear to-

"Wife? You doing ok?" Keigo came out of his office looking concerned

"Talk later" I hang up and nod, "Yes. Just talking to a friend"

He raised a brow but ignored it, "Im going to go shower now since I finished my work out"

I relax slightly..he smells so good.

"No" he spoke sternly, "I know that look"

I huff catching myself, "I know. Now go shower"

I sat on the couch continuing my mini investigation when Keigo suddenly leaned over me hair wet, "Your turn"

"My turn?"

"Yeah, go shower"

I roll my eyes but go do so. Though when I get out i about freak, "Keigo... what the fuck?"

He stopped with an arm full of blankets, "I told you, don't question me. Let me do me"

I follow him out to the living room only to double take. That is a GIANT blanket fort.

Holy shit... Keigo. Mob boss, someone of power. Who commands respect... made a blanket fort. I couldn't stop from laughing making him glare at me.

"Why are you laughing" he glared

"You seriously made a blanket fort" I sputter realizing he made sure the TV was under it. A set of string light poked out to plug into the wall.

I met his eyes again though and stop. He looked nervous? No...he's upset? "Do you...not like it?"

Is he? Is he really that conscious about it? He started pulling one of the blankets off but I stop him, "Its great Keigo. It looks really good" I smile

I watched him try to hide it but his face lit up. The way the light danced in his eyes with pride.

"You should see the inside" he urged

I contain my giggles as he pulled me inside seeing it lit up with soft fairylights. The TV set up and a nest of pillows and blankets on the ground making it soft. It only took a second to realise a mattress topper was layed down which was what made it so soft.

"What do you think?" He sat cross legged in the middle fixing a pillow.

"I was only in the shower for 20 minutes max? How the hell did you do all this?" I kneel down completely entering the fort.

"Feathers, they can move independently so it didn't take long...I've actually been wanting to do this for days" he scratched the back of his neck.

"Where did you get the fairylights?"

"They are from my office. They were a gift from Koji for Christmas they were wrapped around a tree that looked like a drumstick"

The ground is so soft. I melted down laying on it. Its so comfy in here. Is this what Keigo is like unrestrained?

A year...a year and I've never seen him like this before. He has always been pretty serious and overloaded with work or goofing off. Never thought of him as the type to do this though.

"I...I also have some things..." he flushed

"What is it?"

"So you know how you said we shouldn't ever do gifts since it's just paper and-"

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