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No one's POV

Heechul's ankle is doing much better, but now he is obsessed with their health. They all saw Onew who did a thorough exam to everyone and the results aren't very satisfying for Heechul.

Yesung is still too thin and he should gain a few kilos. On the other hand, Siwon is getting chubby. He is surprised that he gained this much weight, but he can't remember the last time he was in a gym. He rarely has time to do a few push-ups at home. Heechul doesn't understand it, he tries to cook healthy meals for his family. Heechul decided to buy some new cookbooks and vitamins for everyone. The adults have no problems with eating the vitamins, but Yesung is a different case. They bought vitamin gummies just for him, but he doesn't like them. The taste isn't so bad, Siwon tasted them, Yesung simply doesn't want to eat it.

Siwon is trying to find a bit of time to work out. He decided to jog in the near park and Heechul gives him Yesung. Yesung has a kick scooter so Heechul only forced a helmet on his head and sent them out. Yesung's

kick scooter is red and his helmet is also red with black dots so he looks like a ladybug. His daddy is jogging and Yesung is riding on his scooter. However, trying to work out with Yesung isn't a good idea - Yesung has a special sense where to find ice cream. So in the end, they are standing in front of an ice cream kiosk.

Siwon can't deny that he also wants an ice cream, he bought two ice cream sandwiches and then they sit down on a bench. Yesung's kick scooter is forgotten when he has ice cream and Siwon sighs.

"What will I do with you? You don't want to eat vitamins, you are seducing me to eat sweets ..."

Siwon sighs and uses a napkin to clean Yesung's hands. They go home where is Heechul cooking a healthy dinner for them - he cooked creamy vegetable soup and shrimp and vegetable skillet. Siwon goes to take a shower and also bathes Yesung before they go in the kitchen. The food smells delicious, only Yesung whines when he spots broccoli. Siwon sat him down in his highchair and tastes the soup. Heechul is feeding their baby and Yesung finishes the soup without fighting. After dinner Yesung can watch cartoons for a while. Yesung is in a good mood after watching The Flintstones and has fun with Bugsy next to him. The dog is comfy with the warm hands stroking his back and gently playing with his ears. After cartoons it is time for a bottle of warm milk. Yesung is peacefully drinking and Siwon put him down in the crib. He makes sure he has his stuffed friends and pacifier before turning on the crib mobile. Yesung's sucking is slowing down and Siwon hops in their bed. Heechul chuckled and put his book aside. He is trying to read this book for the fifth month now, but it is hard with a baby and cuddly husband.

Siwon starts to kiss his husband while Heechul tries to push him away. He doesn't want to have sex when he isn't 100% sure that Yesung is asleep. Siwon is quick in tossing his pants away and hugs Heechul close to his chest. The nursery is silent, so Yesung must be asleep. Heechul can finally let go of his worries and starts to enjoy Siwon's touches. Siwon can't remember the last time they had sex so he doesn't last very long time. After a few minutes they are both done and satisfied.

Siwon is playing with Heechul's hair while Heechul is falling asleep. He is peacefully smiling and can't believe that he found such huge happiness. He has a loving husband and a cute baby, he has everything. 

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