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No one's POV

Ryeowook woke up as the first one. The flat is silent because his brother and Yesung are still asleep. Ryeowook is staring on Yesung's peaceful face and tries to fall asleep again. However, he is too excited. He wants to play! He doesn't know what they will do today. Maybe they will go to a park?

Ryeowook gets up and hurries in his brother's room. Kyuhyun is still asleep when Ryeowook sneaks in his room and stands next to the bed.

"Hyung ...?"

Kyuhyun doesn't wake up, he just frowns a bit and continues sleeping.

"Hyung ...?"

This time he also shakes Kyuhyun's shoulder a bit to wake him up. The man finally opens his eyes and groans.


He doesn't want to get up, not yet. But what can he do? Kyuhyun slowly climbs out of the bed and follows Ryeowook in his room. He got a bit scared that Yesung did number two again, but hopefully he smells nothing, just baby powder. They come to the bed and Kyuhyun looks at his brother.


He is whispering because he doesn't want to wake him up, something is telling him that it could bring tears. Ryeowook whines because he wants his hyung to wake up the baby so they could play. Kyuhyun sighs and leads him out of the room.

"We will cook breakfast and then wake him up."

Ryeowook isn't pleased, but follows his brother in the kitchen. Kyuhyun starts to cook porridge and he is going to add slices of bananas and peanut butter on the top. Ryeowook isn't helping his brother, he just stands there and keeps annoying him. After a while he can't stand there anymore and runs in the living room where he starts to pretend he is a frog.

Yesung woke up in the completely strange room and slowly blinks for a few times before sitting up. He is alone and gets out of the bed to find someone. He walks in the living room where is Ryeowook jumping and making lots of noise. Yesung doesn't like this. His mornings are slow and calm, not like this when Ryeowook jumps around the living room pretending he is a frog. Yesung frowns and Ryeowook grabbed his hand to force him to join his game. The little one only angrily cries and runs to the left. However, this isn't his house. In Kyuhyun's apartment there is an office on the left and not a kitchen like it is at home. Yesung gets really mad. He throws himself on the floor and starts to cry. Where is his mommy!? Where is their kitchen? He even misses his highchair. Luckily Kyuhyun came and picks him up.

"We have delicious breakfast."

He smiles at the little one who cries and they go in the kitchen. Kyuhyun puts the bowls with food on the table and Ryeowook digs in. Yesung only cries and pushes the bowl away. Kyuhyun sends Ryeowook in the living room to eat breakfast in front of the TV and tries to calm down the little one. Yesung only cries while Kyuhyun holds him and strokes his hair. Ryeowook is watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and Kyuhyun carries Yesung in the room. He hopes that the TV will calm him down, but it is useless.

"I think we need something less complicated."

Kyuhyun is changing the channels until he found something easier. Yesung calms down a bit, he is too hungry and thirsty to continue and Kyuhyun gets the breakfast and a sippy cup with water. He sighs in exhaustion and rubs his forehead. His head is starting to hurt and he wants to lie down. Yesung finished eating and looks at his uncle.

Kyuhyun knows they need to do something funny and he is felling very lazy. Ryeowook starts to annoy him that they should go in the park and Kyuhyun can't win this fight. They are going to the park.

Ryeowook is dressing himself and Kyuhyun needs to help Yesung but in a while they are ready to go. Both littles are carrying backpacks with toys on their backs while Kyuhyun is carrying a bag with some snacks and other things. The park isn't far, but it is great. It is big, there aren't many people, but there are many playgrounds and also a few ponds where are living ducks. Kyuhyun finds a secluded playground and puts the heavy bag on a bench. Yesung runs toward the swings and Ryeowook hurries to push the swing for him. Kyuhyun saw the plastic ring on Yesung's little finger and he is quite curious how will his caregivers react, it is clear that Ryeowook loves Yesung. They are nicely playing, Ryeowook makes sure that Yesung is safe and happy while Kyuhyun just watches them. He enjoys being alone for a while until they get hungry and run to him. Kyuhyun opens a box with sandwiches and then grabs two orange juices in boxes. The littles eat, drink and then run back to playing. Kyuhyun pulls out a book and reads while occasionally looking up to see if they are okay. They spent long hours in the park, they bought lunch in near KFC and ate it in the park but then comes evening and the weather gets cold so they head home.

Yesung is really tired, he doesn't want to eat dinner, he wants to sleep. Kyuhyun forces him to eat a bit and then baths him. Yesung is quickly tucked into bed so he has no time to cry and he fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. Ryeowook watches the TV for a moment before also going in his bed. Falling asleep next to someone is so nice, Ryeowook is falling asleep more easily like this when he can hear Yesung's soft breathing and suckling noises.

No matter how much Ryeowook loves Yesung, the little one can't stay with them forever and the day his caregivers come for him comes faster than Ryeowook wanted. They are forced to say goodbye and Heechul with Siwon can take their baby home.

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