ice cream

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The cast were at a season finale party. It was the end of season 6 and they were celebrating. Ellen was holding the party at her house this year. Everyone was in the living room, dancing and drinking. She was drunk.

I was stood in the corner of the room, drinking scotch. I looked across the room and saw a drunk ellen walking upstairs. I put down my drink and followed her. I go to her room and knock on the door. "Come in" she shouts. "Hey" I walk in. Shes laying in the middle of her  bed, holding a bottle of tequila. "Ditching your own party?" I tease. She sits up, leaning against her headboard. "Mmm I don't feel like partying.. I do feel like getting drunk though" she takes a swig of tequila. "What's up?" I ask, sitting next to her. "I'm sad" she says drunkenly. "Why?" I ask worried. I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I like- well-" she chuckles "actually, I'm in love with a guy that doesnt love me" she says. "Who?" I ask. "Meh.. it doesnt matter" she takes another large gulp of tequila. "Hey.." I take the tequila off of her "talk to me" I say. "I- I cant" she shakes her head.  "El" I put my pointer finger on her chin, lifting it up so shes looking at me. "You can tell me" I say. I move my hand. "I-" she looks down "I've loved him for ages" she chuckles "but I've never had the courage to say anything and hes never said anything to me. I mean, hes nice to me. Hes really nice to me but it's never gotten further than just being friends" she sighs drunkenly. It pains me to see her like this but it hurts me more to see her heartbroken over another guy. "Who is it?" I ask. I take a swig of her tequila. "Nobody. That doesnt matter" she takes the tequila bottle and takes a sip. "Whoever it is.." I put my hand on her cheek to make her look at me "I'm sure they are.. in love with you. And if not, they're stupid" I say. "Yes, you are" she slurs. "What?" I ask. "You are stupid" she gets off of the bed, about to walk out of the room. What? She means me. Oh my god. I quickly get up and walk after her. I grab her arm, pulling her back. "Wha-" I interrupt her by kissing her. I feel her freeze for a second before she moves her hands up to my face, holding my cheeks as I deepen the kiss. We finally pull away. "Paddy-" she breathes. "You were talking about me?" I smile. She nods. "You love me?" I ask. "Yeah" she looks down. I lift up her chin again with my hand. "You're in love with me?" I ask. "Yes paddy.. I'm in love with you. I was talking about you, happy?" She crosses her arms over her chest. "Yes actually, I am" I smile. "I love you too" I say. I see her eyes light up and a huge smile appear on her face. "You- you do?" She stutters. "Of course I do. Ellen, I never wanted to make you feel bad. I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner. I didn't know you felt the same way" I say. "Patrick" she tears up. "Ellen" I smile. I kiss her again. "I- I feel like partying again" she chuckles. I laugh. "Let's go" I hold out my hand. She entwines our fingers and we walk downstairs to the party. When we get to the bottom of the stairs katherine heigl walks up to us. "Hey guys!" She shouts over the music. Shes obviously very drunk. "Hey" we both reply. "Great party ellen" she says to ellen. She looks down at our hands. "Oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" She smirks. I chuckle and squeeze her hand lightly. "Yeah actually, I was just about to jump Patrick's bones, that's why we came downstairs. We like an audience" ellen joked. Katherine laughed. "Oh that could be arranged" I move my face close to hers. I bite her cheek playfully. She giggles. "Oh, yeah?" She turns her face to me so we're centimetres apart. She bites her lip. We turn around to katherine and laugh. She looks at us shocked. "You guys are drunk" katherine chuckles. "You're drunk" I laugh. "We're flirting" I joke, turning to face ellen again. She looks down at my lips and leans towards me, kissing me quickly. "No way.. you guys are together?" She asks. "Since when?!" She exclaims. "Since about.." I look at my watch "10 minutes ago" I laugh. "No, shit really?" She looks at ellen. She nods. She hits both of us on the arms. "Ow" we both say. "That's great!" She smiles. "Why'd you hit us?!" Ellen says. "Because.. I'm drunk" she laughs. Me and ellen look at eachother and laugh. "Okay.. we're gonna go" she smiles. She pulls my hand further into the living room. "Wanna dance?" She asks. "Sure" I smile. I hold her close to me and we sway from side to side in tune of the music. At the end of the song I spin her around and wrap my arm around her waist. Her back arches as I kiss her passionately. "Wanna sneak off?" She breathes against my lips. "We should go somewhere else" I say. "Where?" She asks. "I dunno" I say. "I want ice cream" she says. I chuckle. "You're so random" I laugh. "Theres an ice cream shop down the road" she bats her eyelashes. "Let's go" I hold her hand and we walk out of her house. "Did I tell you how hot you look tonight by the way?" She says as we walk down the dark, empty streets, hand in hand. "You look gorgeous" I say. Shes wearing a beautiful red dress that highlights all the right places, her breasts, her hips, her ass. her hair is curled and shes wearing a little bit of makeup. I'm wearing my smart blue button up shirt and my black jeans. I spin her around, pulling her close. I lift her leg up to my hip and put my hand on the small of her back and she bends backwards as I kiss her. We pull away. We chuckle out of breath and she holds my hand. We continue walking. We finally make it to the ice cream shop. "Its closed" she whines. "pass me this" I take a Bobbie pin out of her hair. "What are you doing?" She asks. "Picking the lock" I pick the lock of the ice cream shop door. "Are you stupid?" She says. The door opens and I walk inside. I walk back out and grab her hand, pulling her in. "Oh my god. We're literally breaking the law right now" she says looking around the shop. "Its okay, I'll leave some cash" I get out my wallet and put 100$ onto the counter. "Yeah.. I dont think that makes it not illegal" she says sarcastically. "You mean legal?" I chuckle. She scoffs. "I'm drunk.. leave me alone" she says. I smile. "I want-" she says as I go behind the counter. "Strawberry ice cream with sauce and chocolate sprinkles" I interrupt her. She looks at me. "Yeah" she smiles. "Thanks" she takes the ice cream. I get myself an ice cream. We eat our ice creams. Were sat on the stools at the counter. I look at her and kiss her. We pull away. Theres a car light outside. "Shit" I say. "Oh my god we're gonna go to prison" she says. "Dont be so dramatic" I laugh. "Come on" i grab her hand and stand up. I pull her along and we run out of the shop, down the streets, giggling and laughing. The car drives after us. We run around the corner. We hide behind the side of a building. I push her more towards the wall to hide us as the car drives past. She giggles and I put my hand on her waist. She wraps her arms around my neck and I laugh, leaning down to her and kissing her. "patrick dempsey, since when have you been so rebellious?" She smirks. "Ellen pompeo, since when have you been such a rule follower?" I tease. "I'm not" she says. "I know.. it's one of the things I love most about you. You're always up for an adventure" I say. She smiles. We look up as it starts raining heavily. we chuckle. We look at eachother again. "Let's go" i shout over the rain. I tuck her wet hair behind her ear. "Piggy back" she held out her arms. I look at her. "Come onnn.. these heels are killiiinnnggg meeee" she whines. I chuckle and turn around. I grab her legs to hold her up as she jumps on my back. She squeals as I run down the rainy streets with her on my back. I slow down and put her on the floor. I turn around to face her. She giggles and pushes her hair out of her face, looking at me. She crosses her arms over her chest. I take off my coat and put it on her. "Thank you" she smiles. I brush back her hair with my hand and kiss her hungrly. I wrap my arms around her waist, picking her up and spinning her around in the rain. She giggles as I put her down. She pulls me down and kisses me again. "Can we go to your house?" She shouts over the rain. "What about the party?" I ask. "Fuck it" she says. "Let's go" I wrap my arm around her shoulder and she wraps hers around my waist as we walk down the streets to my house.

we walk into Patrick's house. "I'm drenched" I chuckle. "Let's go upstairs. Get you out of those clothes" he says. "Mm yes please" I walk up to him, smirking and wrap my arms around his neck. "Oh, dont tempt me" he ran his hands down to my ass. I giggled. "Come on. You can borrow one of my shirts" he said walking upstairs. "But I dont have any spare panties" I followed him. "Oh.. shame" he joked. "Shut up" i slapped him on the arm playfully. He laughed. "You wanna borrow some joggers too?" He asked. "No.. I'll go pantieless, more risky" I smirk. He smirks back. We walk into his room. "Here" he throws me a shirt. "You can go in there to get changed" he points at his ensuite. "Thanks" I walk in and take off my dress, panties and bra, slipping on his shirt and walking back out. Hes already got changed into his pyjamas. "Here" he hands me some fluffy socks. I put them on. He walks over to me and wraps a blanket around me. "You take my bed, I'll take the guest room. Its comfier in here" he says. "Noo sleep in here with me" I wrap the blanket around his waist. He smiles softly. "Okay" he pecks me on the lips. We get into bed. "I had a really good time today" I looked at him. "Me too. I'm glad you told me" he said. "I'm glad you told me back" I said. I turned around and he wrapped his arm around me, spooning me. "I love you paddy" I whispered. "I love you too el" he whispered back. We fell asleep.

1936 words

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