you're okay

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Patrick was walking around set. He felt hungry so he went into the break room. He opened the pantry door. "Oh sorr- ellen?" He says. Shes in the pantry, sat down on the floor, crying her eyes out. "Oh i-" she wipes her eyes. "Whats wrong?" He asks. "Nothing I'm fine" she chuckles, more tears rolling down her cheeks. He closes the pantry door, sitting next to her. He pulls her into his arms. She pushes her face into his chest, crying into it. Shes breathing heavily, sobbing uncontrollably. "El, look at me" he puts his hands on her cheeks. Shes still crying. "Shh calm down el.. try to breathe" he whispers. She looks into his eyes. She instantly feels herself begin to calm down. She takes deep breaths. He strokes her hair back with his hands. "I- I don't- I can't-" she sobs "I can't do it patrick" she says. "What? What's wrong?" He asks. "The scene" she says. "What scene?" He asks. "The one where meredith talks about her mother almost dying infront of her" she says. "What?" He says shocked. "It just hurts too much" she starts crying again. "Shonda wrote that? She knows about your mom" he says. "Mm" she nods, more tears rolling down her cheeks. She wraps her arms around his waist, burying her face into his chest. He wraps his arms around her tightly, pulling her closer to him. He hated seeing her upset. "I don't- I don't want to do the scene" she mumbles into his chest. "You don't have to.. talk to shonda" he says. "Can you come with me?" She sniffles. "Of course" he kisses her forehead. "Come on" he entwines their fingers. They stand up, still holding hands as they walk all the way to shonda's office.

"What do I say?" She looks at him. "Just say that you dont think you can do the scene.. if she says anything then I'm here okay?" He tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. He kisses her on the head. "Okay" she smiles. They walk into shonda's office.

"I told you she wouldnt mind" he says as they walk out of shondas office. "Thank you paddy" she kisses him on the cheek. He smiles. "You okay now?" He rubs her cheek with his thumb. "I'm okay" she smiles. "You're okay" he smiles. She hugs him, snuggling her face into his chest. He wraps his arms around her, resting his chin on her head. They finally pull away. He kisses her on the cheek. "I'm going back to the trailer. You coming?" He brushes her hair out of her face with his hands. "Mm" she nods. They walk back to their trailer.

"Is everyone here?" Shonda asks. The cast is sat in the table read room. "Yes" everyone says. "Okay so Ellen's scene she was supposed to be filming today got cut so instead patrick.. you're gonna be doing a scene" shonda says. "..okay" he says. She passes him the script. She Carries on talking to everyone else about their own scenes.

"El" he whispers. "Yeah?" She looks at him. He's sat next to her. "Look at this" he shows her the script. She reads it. "What the hell?" She looks at him. She reads the rest of the script. "Shonda" ellen says. Shonda looks at her. "This scene is amelia and derek talking about how their mother might have cancer" she says. Everyone looks at them shocked. "..Yes" shonda says. "I told you yesterday that I didnt want to do that scene because it was too close to my real life and you're replacing it with this?" Ellen says annoyed. Patrick's mother has cancer. "..yes.. is there a problem?" Shonda says. "You know full well that theres a problem" ellen says. "El" patrick says. "You can replace the scene again with something else.. hes not doing this scene. And try and keep peoples personal lives out of it" she says. "You're being really unprofessional right now ellen.. maybe you should go outside for a second" shonda says. "Me unprofessional? Are you kidding me?" She says. "I cant replace the scene again.. it's either you do your scene or patrick does the new one.. that's your options" shonda says. Ellen holds his hand under the table. "No" patrick says. "Are you refusing?" Shonda asks. "Yes" he says. "Becuause I can end your contract at any time" she shonda says. "So it's either he does the scene or you fire him?" Ellen says. Shonda looks at her. "Fire him and I go too" ellen says. "You're contract lasts two more seasons" shonda says. she stands up. "Sue me" she stands up. Patrick stands up too. They walk out the room, hand in hand.

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