sisters best friend

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"I had a good time" he says. "Mm.. me too" I lie. "You wanna come inside?" He asks. "Uh.. no i- I better get home.. its getting late" I say.

"You could.. stay" he says suggestively. "Mm.. no.. but thanks" I say. He walks inside. "Jesus" I mumble. I hear someone laughing.

I look to the side of me. I groan as I see derek sitting on the porch. I walk over to him. "What are you laughing at?" I grin. "That was so lame" he says. "Shut up" I giggle. I sit next to him.

"My brother is an idiot.. why'd you agree to go our with him in the first place?" He says. "Marks adorable.. he's just not my type" I say. "What is your type?" He smirks. "Older guys" I grin. "Oh really?" He smirks. "Mm" I blush.

He passes me his joint he's smoking. I take a hit. He laughs as I cough. "Shut up" I nudge him.

"You coming inside?" He asks, taking one more puff of the joint before throwing it onto the floor. "Sure.. but I'm not talking to Mark again" I giggle. "Okay" he chuckles.

He stands up. He holds out his hand. I take his hand. He helps me up. "You look beautiful by the way" he says. I smile. "Thankyou" I say.

"Amelias in her room" he says. "Thanks.. I might see you later?" I say. He nods. I smile, walking to amelias room.

I walk in. "What are you grinning at? Go well with mark?" She asks. "Oh.. no.. not really" I say. I sit next to her on her bed.

"Who are you grinning about then?" She chuckles. "Derek" I smile. "Whaattt?!" Her eyes go wide.

"Not like that.. he's just nice" I say. "You likkeee him" she smirks. "I do not" I say. "You smell of weed.. you have never smoked weed with me before" she says. "I just tried it.. he offered" I say. "Whatever" she grins, rolling her eyes. "Shut up" I chuckle.

"You wanna stay here tonight?" She asks. "I'd better go" I say. "Okay" she says. "Byeee" I grin, walking out. "Byeee" she chuckles.

I gasp as I bump into someone. I look and it's Derek. A shirtless Derek. "Sorry" I say, stepping back. "Its okay" he chuckles.

My eyes trail down to his toned stomach. "Like what you see?" He smirks. I blush, looking away quickly. He chuckles.

"You leaving already?" He asks. "Yeah" I say. "You sure? I have cake downstairs.. you want?" He raises his brow. I grin, nodding.

"I also.. have beers" he grins. "You're a terrible influence.. I'm your younger sisters best friend" I grin.

"You're my friend too" he smirks. "Oh am i?" I grin. "Yes" he says. "Well I'm flattered.. friends with the most popular guy in school" I gasp jokingly. "Shut up.. you've known me since I was 10 and wearing glasses" he says. I giggle.

"Yeah but then you got hot and very popular with the girls" I say. "You think I'm hot?" He grins. "I- no.." I blush. "You already said it.. can't take it back now" he teases. "Shut up" I giggle.

"Can you two stop talking right outside my door? It's very distracting and I'm trying to read.. go flirt somewhere else" amelia opens her bedroom door.

"We're not.. flirting" I whisper. "No We're not.. she's just hitting on me" Derek says. "I am not!" I look at him.

"You called me hot" he grins. "Whatever.. just shush" amelia chuckles, going back into her room. I grin at derek. He chuckles softly. We go to the kitchen.

He passes me a piece of cake and gets a slice for himself too. We sit at the counter, next to eachother.

He passes me a beer and takes one for himself. "Thankyou" I smile. we eat the cake and drink the beer, talking and laughing.

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