just sex?

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I walk into the break room. Me and patrick immediately make eye contact. "Hi" I say, sitting down infront of him. "Hi" he says. I look down. We're in here by ourselves.

Kate walks in. "Hey bitches" she sits next to me. "Why did you look at me when you said that?" Patrick says. I giggle. He looks at me. I look down.

Kate looks back and forth between us. "What's up with you two?" She asks. "Nothing" we both say. "You have a fight or something?" She asks. "No" we say. "So you're still talking? Still friends?" She asks. "Yes" we say.

"Why you acting weird?" She asks. "We're not" I say. "But-" she says. "Drop it" I look at her. She furrows her brows. "Did you walk in on him having sex or something?" She chuckles. I look away.

"You did?" She gasps. "No" I say. "He walked in on you having sex?" She asks. "Nobody's walked in on- there was no sex" I say. She picks up a strand of my hair. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask.

"You have a sex glow" she smirks. "No, I don't" I say. "You two has sex" she says. "What?!" We both exclaim. She gasps. "I was kidding" she says. I sigh. "You did.. you had sex" she says.

"No we didn't" he says. "You totally did.. last night after the party, right? You were both pretty pissed but-" she laughs. I groan. "Wow.. you two did it" she chuckles. We look at eachother. I look into his eyes.


"Patrick" I moan into his ear, my hands roaming his back as he moves in and out of me. My back arches under him.

We turn over so I'm ontop instead, straddling him. I push my hair out of my face as I start grinding against him. "You're so fucking sexy" he runs his hands down my sides to my hips, grinding me faster against him.

I gasp, my head falling back as he puts his finger on my clit, rubbing small circles. "Ohh that- that feels good" I reach behind me, grabbing onto his thighs.

He flips us back over. I gasp, my back arching as he starts pounding into me. He grabs my hands, pinning them above my head.

"Ellen" Kate chuckles, waving her hand infront of my face. I snap back to reality. "Mm?" I look at her. "What were you thinking about?" She smirks. "Wha- nothing!" I say.

"I wasn't thinking about anything" I look down. "We have our next scene in a bit so-" Patrick says. "No.. you're not getting out of this" Kate chuckles. "Out of what?" I ask. She rolls her eyes.

"How was it?" She asks. "Damn it,  kate" he says. "We're not talking about this" I say. "Yes we are.. tell me" she says. "Fine.. it was.. decent" I say. "What?!" He exclaims. I giggle.

"It was.. Great" I say. I look into his eyes. "Okay it was amazing.. the best I've ever had, happy?" I say honestly. "Yes" him and Kate say. We look at Kate. She giggles. I chuckle.

"What happened? Who came onto who?" She asks. He raises his brow at me. I grin, looking away. "I um.. I kinda jumped him" I giggle. "What?" She chuckles.

"Well, he was talking to me about his stupid cars and I was bored.. he noticed me looking at his lips and he gave me that stupid mcdreamy smirk so I just.. kissed him and pushed him onto the bed" I giggle.

"Wow" she chuckles. "What?" I ask. "That's just- I always assumed patrick would confess his love for you in some big romantic way" she says. I roll my eyes.

"It was just sex.. good sex, but just sex" I say. She sighs. I look at him. He looks away. "I gotta go to my next scene" kate says. We smile at her. She leaves. I get up and walk over to patrick, standing infront of him.

He looks up at me. I smile. I put my hands on his cheeks, kissing him passionately. He puts his hands on my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me onto his lap.

He pulls away. "Just sex?" He asks. "Yes.. no.. yes.. I don't know" I say. "What do you want?" He asks. "I don't know paddy I- I want you" I put my hands on his neck. He kisses me passionately.

We pull away slowly. "I wanna be with you" he says. My eyes light up and I smile. "You do?" I ask. "I have forever" he says. "I wanna be with you too" I say. "Yeah?" He says. "Yes" I say. He smiles brightly.

I stroke his cheeks with my thumbs. "Last night was the best night of my life.. you're mind blowing in bed.. seriously" I grin. "So are you" he grins.

I kiss him deeply. He runs his fingers through my hair as our tongues dance. We pull away slowly. I kiss him again softly. "I just said that it was just sex infront of kate because I wanted to discuss it with you" I say.

"We shouldn't tell anyone straight away" he says. "We shouldn't.. until it.. gets serious?" I raise my brow. "You're my best friend and now we're dating.. its already serious" he says. I smile.

"Yeah?" I say. "If that's what you-" he says. "No.. I do.. I definitely do" I say. He smiles. "You wanna.. go back to our trailer until out next scene?" He smirks, running his hand up my leg. I grin, nodding. We get up and walk to our trailer.

948 words

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