strip poker

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Me and the rest of the cast are at a party. Its just a low key party, more of a get together. The main cast members only. I'm sat on the couch in the middle of the room, drinking a glass of scotch.

"Hey who's playing?" Eric smirks, holding up a card. "Suck and blow? Seriously? Are we 15?" Kate says. "Come on.. who's playing?" He smirks. "Fine" everyone agrees.

We go round the circle, passing the card to eachother with just our lips. It gets to patrick. He leans in to me.

He let's go of the card, kissing me. He runs his fingers through my hair, pulling me closer. Everyone whistles and cheers.

I pull away. "Patrick!" I giggle, hitting him playfully. "Awh I lost" he shrugs. Everyone laughs. "Idiot" I chuckle. He takes a shot, grabbing the card again.

"Do it seriously" I roll my eyes. He chuckles softly, putting the card to his mouth. He does it properly. I give back to eric. "Well done" I pat him on the back jokingly. He grins. I giggle.

"Now let's play strip poker!" Eric says. "Dude what's wrong with you?" "Oh my god" "no!" All the girls say. I laugh. "I'll play" I say. Everyone looks at me.

I look at Kate. She groans. "Fine" she says. "But I'm only playing if paddy does too" I look at him. He raises his brow. I grin. "Fine" he says.

"Come on katherine" I grin. "No" she says. "Justin will play" I say. "What?" He says. "Okay" she sits down, pulling Justin down with her.

We get a few more players and sit in a circle on the floor. Me, Eric, Katherine, Justin, Sandra, Patrick, Kate and tr are playing.

"Everybody else out" I say. They all groan. "Hey if you're not willing to participate then you don't get to see any of the good stuff" eric smirks. I chuckle. They all leave to the kitchen instead.

"Jewelry and shoes don't count" Justin says. "This was your idea.. and you encouraged it.. so I blame both of you" Kate points at me and eric.

"Please.. she just wanted to get Patrick shirtless" Katherine says. "You could've just asked" he smirks, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, leaning closer to me. "Shut up" I giggle, pulling his arm away.

"Shirt off" patrick smirks. "I can'ttttt" I whine. "Off" he tugs on the hem of the shirt. I look at everyone. "Fine" I giggle, pulling off my shirt.

I have on my panties and bra, Kate has on a shirt and panties, eric has on his boxers, patrick has on his trousers and Katherine and Justin are both shirtless.

"Boxers off patrick" Kate laughs. "Oh come on" he says. "Go on" I smirk. "Its cold.. how about I just give you all a peek?" He smirks. Everyone scoffs. I giggle.

"Ellen wants to see" Kate smirks. I giggle. "I'll show you later" he smirks. "Will you?" I smirk, looking at his lips. He laughs.

"You're so drunk" he takes my beer off of me, taking a sip. I grin. "I'm not drunk" I say. "You're flirting back.. you're drunk" he chuckles.

We finish the game of poker and put out clothes back on. We call the other guys back into the room. "Have fun?" They chuckle.

"I saw Paddy's thingy" I whisper, giggling. "Really?" Sara and Jessica say in unison. I nod. I look at patrick. Hes not looking. I hold my hands far apart. They both laugh.

Someone turns up the music. I walk over to patrick on the couch. He chuckles as I sit on his lap, straddling him.

"Hi sexy" I smirk. He laughs. "How much have you had to drink?" He runs his fingers through my hair. "Enough to let you take advantage of me" I whisper in his ear. He chuckles.

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