long distance

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Ellen and patrick are in a long distance relationship. Patrick isn't in the show anymore.

"Okay I'm walking into the table read now.. I'll call you later" I say as I walk into the room. "Okay bye baby.. I love you" he says. "I love you too.. bye" I hang up. I sit down.

"How's Patrick?" Kate asks. "Hes good.. oh.. he got that promotion" I say. "That's good.. so he's a producer now? He deserves it.. I saw his last movie it was really good" she says. "It was.. I hate his costar" I say.

"The girl who has to kiss him? You don't like her? Shocker" she says sarcastically. I giggle. "You kissed him.. I like you" I say. "You watched us when we kissed.. you were on set every second" she chuckles. I roll my eyes.

"I just- do you think his costars even know he has a girlfriend?" I say. "Are you kidding.. he probably talks about you every five seconds" she says. "That's true" I smile.

I finish at work and go home. I get in bed. Its 2am now and I can't sleep. I woke up earlier from a nightmare and couldn't relax after. I pick up my phone and call patrick.

"Hi honey" he says. "I miss you" I tear up immediately. He sighs. "I miss you too" he says. "I can't sleep properly without you" I say. "Me either" he says.

"Why can't you come and live with me?" I say. "You know I would if I could sweetie" he says. "Can you come and visit me soon?" I say. "I'm really busy at the moment baby" he says. "Okay" I try to hold back my tears.

"El-" he says. "I um- I gotta go.. I'm going to sleep.. I'll speak to you later baby I love you" I hang up. I start crying. I eventually cry myself to sleep.


The next morning I get up, get ready and go to work. I walk into the table read room. I sit down. "Woah are you okay?" Kate asks. "Huh?" I ask. I look in a mirror. I sigh.

My eyes are red. "Are you high or have you been crying?" She asks. I look at her. "Oh.. Patrick?" She asks. I nod. "Long distance sucks" she says. "It does" I say.

"He hasn't actually called me this morning.. he might be angry at me.. I called him last night upset.. it might have freaked him out" I groan. "I doubt it" she says. I shrug.

The table read starts. We're ten minutes in when the door opens. I look behind me. A huge smile appears on my face.

"Paddy!" I get up, running over to him. He pulls me into his arms. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tight.

"hi baby" he whispers. I pull away slowly. "You're here" I smile. "I took some time off work" he says."I thought you couldn't have anymore days off" I say.

"I told my boss that either he let me have 2 weeks off or I quit" he says. "What?" I say. "You're more important" he smiles.

I put my hands on his neck, pulling him down gently. I kiss him deeply. He puts his hands on my waist. My back arches as he pulls me closer so my bodies pressed against his.

We pull away slowly. "Can he stay.. please?" I look at shonda. "Um.." she says. "He won't Interrupt.. and you know he won't spoil anything" I say. "Okay" she says.

I smile, pulling him over to the table. He sits on my chair. I sit sideways on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist, holding me close. I'm not in this scene so I don't have to read.

I look into his eyes. He smiles, stroking my cheek with his thumb. "I love you" he mouths. "I love you" I mouth. I lean in and kiss him deeply on the lips.

"Ellen" shonda says. I pull away slowly. I pick up my script. He watches me intently as I say my lines, making me smile.

The table read ends and we walk out, hand in hand. "I can't believe you're here" I wrap my arm around his, snuggling into his side as we walk to my trailer.

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