step mom

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Patrick has a 2 year old daughter with his ex wife, jillian. Jillian and patrick didn't end on the best of terms. Jillian cheated on patrick and left with him to god knows where, leaving him to look after his daughter by himself.

Ellen and patrick have been best friends for years and ellen has seen tallula grow up to be the sweet little girl she's become. Ellen and patrick have been dating. It's not a secret but it's also not public yet. It's not really serious yet but they both obviously have deep feelings for eachother.

"Hey sexy" I smirk as patrick walks into the room, holding his 3 year old, tallula. He gasps, covering her ears playfully. I giggle.

"Daddy" she hits his hands away. He chuckles. "Hey sweetie" I smile. "Hi ewwen" she smiles. "Hi" I smile, kissing patrick softly. "Hi" he smiles against my lips, kissing me again. "Eww" tallula comments, making us both laugh as we pull away.

She starts coughing. Patrick rubs her back gently. "Is she okay?" I ask. "Got a little cold, haven't you?" He kisses her on the head. She pouts, nodding. She coughs again.

When she stops she holds out her arms to me. "I want ewwen" she wriggles in Patrick's arms. "Oh I have to go to my next scene in a minute honey" I take her, holding her on my hip. "Nooo" she whines, pushing her face into my neck.

"I can stay with you for a little but you'll have to go back to daddy, okay? And then I'll see you after my scene" I say. "Okay" she mumbles. I gently stroke her back with my hand.

"I'm just going to get a coffee.. you want anything?" He asks. "No thankyou" I say. He walks over to the snack table.

"Ewwen" she says. "Yes sweetheart?" I say. "Are you and daddy getting married?" She asks. "No honey.. why?" I ask confused. "Becawse you kiss all the time" she says.

" no honey.. maybe ask your daddy?" I say, not wanting to say anything about our relationship without Patrick's approval first. "Mkay" she nods.

Patrick walks back over to us. "Here sweetie" he hands her a small cupcake. "Fanks daddy" she smiles, taking it. She holds out her arms to him. He takes her.

"Okay I'm gonna go to my scene.. I'll see you both later" I say. I kiss patrick softly. He smiles. I walk to set.


After my scene I walk back to mine and Patrick's trailer. When I walk in I see patrick and tallula sat on the floor. Patrick has makeup all over his face and tallulas wearing a princess costume.

"Don't you look pretty?" I say. "Fanks" tallula says. "Thankyou" patrick says. I giggle. "You look pretty too" I say. He grins, making me giggle.

"Ewwen can I do your makeup?" She says. "I think Ellen would like to get home honey" patrick says. "Awh" she whines. "I can stay for a bit" I say. "Yay!" She stands up, running over to me. I chuckle as she grabs my hand, pulling me over to patrick. We sit on the floor. Patrick smiles.

"Careful with my eye sweetie" I chuckle as she does my eyeshadow. "Sowwy" she says. "Its okay" I smile. "How you doing?" I ask patrick, who's trying to do my hair, under tallulas orders. "Um.." he says. I giggle.

"Don't knot it" I say. "I won't.. do you not trust me?" He scoffs. "No" I giggle. I gasp as he pulls my hair playfully, not hard enough to hurt.

"Daddy!" Tellula shouts. "Sorry tal" he says. "That was naughty!" She yells. I try not to laugh. "Say sowwy now" she says. "Sowwwwyyyy" he teases, kissing my cheek. I chuckle.

"Ass" I mutter. "Naughty word" tal says. "Naughty" patrick hits me playfully. I giggle. "No hitting!" She says. "Patrick you're stressing the poor child out" I nudge him. He chuckles.

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