he was hurting you

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Ellen and patrick have been best friends forever but ever since patrick Confessed his feelings for Ellen and she turned him down, it's never been the same. He told her 2 months ago and ever since then their friendship hasn't been the same.

I'm sat in the trailer on the couch. Patrick walks in. I look at him. He avoids eye contact. "Hey" I say. "Hi" he walks straight into his room. He walks back out shirtless.

"Did you um- did you hear about Kate and eric?" I ask, trying to make conversation. "No" he says, putting on a shirt. I look at him. "Eric cheated on her" I say. His head whips up.

I look into his eyes. He clears his throat, looking away. That was the first time he's really looked at me in 2 months. I let out a small sigh. "I didn't hear" he says.

He looks through the drawers, probably for his script. "Are you going to that.. party tonight?" I ask. "I don't know" he says. "Oh.. I'm going" I say. I look at him. "Really?" He says, uninterested as he reads his script. "Mm" I sigh.

I'm stood in the corner of the room by myself. I take a sip of my drink. Everyone else is dancing and partying. The party is at Kate Walsh's House.

Normally at these sorts of things me and patrick would hang out or sneak off to drink by ourselves so now I have nobody to talk to and nothing to do.

I haven't even seen him yet so I don't even know if he's here. "Hey" giacomo walks over to me. "Hi" I smile. "Are you okay? You look lonely" he says. "Mm.. I'm okay" I smile. I take a sip of my drink.

"Okay.. come on" he takes away my glass, putting it down. "Let's get a real drink" he says. "Oh no i-" I say. "Come on" he holds my hand, leading me upstairs.

I arrive at kates and walk into the living room, where the party is. Everyone is dancing and drinking. I look around the room but there's no sign of Ellen.

My eyes trail to the stairs. I see her holding giacomo's hand, following him upstairs. I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Unbelievable" I mutter.

"Giacomo I should really go back downstairs" I say as he pulls me into a room. I gasp as he pushes me up against the door. "What are you doing?" I say.

He leans in to kiss me. "No.. giacomo.. what the hell?" I move out of his arms. "Ellen-" he says.

I quickly open the door, going downstairs quickly. I go back over to my corner, picking up a drink and downing it. He walks over to me.

I sigh, leaning against the wall. "What the hell?" He grits his teeth, stepping closer to me. "Giacomo please just leave me alone" I say.

I gasp as he grabs my arms, pinning them beside me against the wall. He looks into my eyes. His breath stinks of booze.

"Let go of me" I say. He doesn't. "You're hurting me" I try to escape his grip. He tightens his grip. "Giacomo you're hurting me" I try to move away again.

I gasp as he let's go of me. Patrick walks over, punching him in the jaw. He stumbles back. I step back as they keep fighting, throwing punches at eachother until giacomo is on the floor.

I look around the room. Eric looks at me. I signal for him to do something. He walks over quickly.

"Okay pat I think you got him" he pulls him off of him. He holds him back as he tries to escape his grip, charging at him again as giacomo stands up.

Giacomo wipes the blood off his face. Patrick escapes Eric's grip, charging towards him. I move out of the way as he grabs giacomo's shirt, slamming him against the wall.

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