shopping mall

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I'm walking to one of the shops in the mall when someone tugs on my coat. I turn around. I look down. "Tal?" I chuckle. "Ellie!" She holds her arms up.

"What are you doing here? Are you by yourself?" I giggle, kissing her nose as I pick her up. "No Daddy's here" she says. "Where?" I ask. Patrick walks up to us. "Don't run away you little-" he says. I giggle.

"Hi paddy" I smile as he kisses me on the cheek. "Hi" he smiles. "You're shopping.. at a mall?" I raise my brow. "Someone wanted a new dress" he pushes told hair out of her face. "do you want to come to the dress shop with us?" He asks. I grin, nodding.

"But I need to pee really really bad so can you wait for me?" I giggle. He nods. I try to put tallula down but she clings onto me. "I need potty too" she says. "Oh okay.. I'll take her" I say. He nods. "Here.." he takes my bags. "Thankyou" I smile. I walk to the bathroom.

"Tal are you done?" I sigh from the other side of the cubicle door. I walk to the mirror, reapplying my lipstick and mascara. She finally walks out. I pick her up so she can reach the sink to wash her hands. She does it and I put her on the sink so I can dry them with a paper towel.

She gasps. "I want makeup!" She says. "Oh I don't think daddy will want you wearing-" I say. "Pleasseee" she says. I reach into my pocket. I pull out a vaseline. I put some on her lips. "Beautiful" I say. She smiles. I put her down on the floor and hold her hand. We walk out.

We walk over to patrick. "Finally" he says. "Hey don't blame me" I point at her. He chuckles softly. She reaches her hands out. He picks her up.

"I still can't belive it.. I never thought I'd see the day I find patrick dempsey shopping in a mall.. for a dress" I grin. He rolls his eyes. I giggle. "Well anything for my princess" he kisses tal on the nose. She grins.

"Where's princesses mommy today?" I ask playfully but seriously asking patrick. "Mommy was gonna go out with tal but had a.. work call.. so daddy took her instead" he says.

"Oh" I sigh. She's cheating on him.. again. "Are you okay?" I mouth. He nods. I step closer to him, kissing him on the cheek and hugging him quickly. He smiles.

"I like hanging round with you better than mommy anyways" she shrugs, looking at me. "I like hanging around with you too" I kiss her on the cheek. Patrick smiles at me.

"What dress are you looking for in particular?" I ask. "What's paticula?" She says. I smile. "Um.. it just means what kind of dress are you looking for" I say. "A princess one" she says.

"Well how about you get the dress with daddy and I will get you some shoes to match? And maybe if daddy let's you I can but you a little bit of makeup" I say. "Please daddy" she says. "Just lipgloss and eyeshadow" I whisper. He smiles, nodding. "Okay" he says.

"I'll meet you in the dress shop once I've got the makeup?" I say. She nods enthusiastically. "What's your favourite colour?" I ask. "Um.. purple!" She says. "Good choice.. mine too" I say. She grins.

"I can carry your bags" he says. "Thanks.. I'll meet you there.." I smile, walking to sephora. I grab some pink lipglosses and some purple eyeshadow before walking out and meeting them in the dress shop.

I walk over to patrick who's sat outside the changing rooms. "Hey" I sit next to him. "Hey" he smiles. I hand him the bag of makeup. "You didn't have to do that you know?" He says. "I like spoiling her.. she's the best" I say. "She is.. so are you.. thankyou" he says. I smile.

"I can't believe jillian.. I'm sorry" I say. "You don't have to be sorry.. I dont care.. I just wish she wouldn't miss out spending time with her daughter" he says. "Well I'm always here if she wants to hang out.. or you" I say. He smiles.

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