merder or mernick?

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I was sat on the couch in my hotel room when there was a knock at the door. I tightened my robe a bit and walked over to it, opening it. I looked up and was greeted with a familiar pair of blue eyes. For a minute I swear, my heart stopped beating. I stand there, speechless. "Hi" he smiles. I dont reply. I cant speak. I cant move. I cant breathe. I dont say anything, I run to the bathroom, puking into the toilet. I flush it. I look into the mirror, trying to get my breathing back to normal. Tears are streaming down my cheeks. I get the mouthwash, gargling it and spitting it back out. I'm not sure if who I saw was even real. I close my eyes, opening the bathroom door. I open them again. Hes still there. "You okay?" He asks. I put my hand onto the wall, holding myself up as I feel completely weak and numb. "Here.. sit down" he walks over to me. He holds my hands. I can feel him. He's.. real. I stare at our hands as his hold mine. He walks me over to the bed, sitting next to me. "I- I can't- I can't breathe" I sob. "Sshh you're okay.. its okay" he says. "Derek" I look at him "How- how are you- what-" I cry. "Mer-" he starts before I cut him off by basically jumping on him. I hug him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder. "I missed you so much" I cry. He hugs me back warmly. "I missed you too. So much" his voice cracks. We just stay in eachothers embrace for a few minutes, never wanting to leave. "Derek" I whisper, finally pulling away slowly "how are you here right now?" I ask. "Well.." he explained the entire story to me.. him having to fake his death, having to work for the government all these years and how much he missed me. I was now crying my eyes out. "Derek I- i dont-" i cut myself off by hugging him again. "Mer?" He says. "Yeah" i wipe my tears away, pulling away from him. "Are you naked under there?" He smirks, looking at my robe. I immediately burst out laughing. Only he could make me laugh in a situation like this. "You havent changed, I see?" I giggle. "I missed seeing you laugh" he smiles. I look at him adoringly. "So.. catch me up" he says. "Come over here" I sit myself at the head of the bed, leaning against the headboard. I pat the space next to me. He sits next to me. I tell him everything about amelia, zola, bailey, ellis, Maggie.. everything. We are both in tears by the end of it. "We had another baby?" He says tearfully. "We had another baby" I smile, holding his hand. "I've told her everything about you.. about us. I tell all of the kids stories about us. They miss you.. zola especially" I say. "I miss them" he says. "I cant believe you're alive" I hold his hand tighter, looking into his tear filled eyes with mine. We continue looking at eachother lovingly. I want to kiss him. I haven't been this nervous around a boy since.. I met him. I miss him. I love him so much. Just as I thought I got the confidence to kiss him, someone knocks on the door. "One second" I get up out of bed, letting go of his hand. My robe almost opens. I close it quickly. "Ah so close" he grins. "Shut up" I laugh, shaking my head. "Is that how you speak to your undead husband?" He raises his brow jokingly. "You're not a zombie.. you're just.. not dead" I laugh. "Maybe I'm a vampire" he grins "I'd bite you" he smirks. I giggle. Theres another knock at the door. I walk over to it. I open it.

Shit. Oh my god. "Nick?" I smile nervously. "Hi" he smiles. "Uh hi" I say. "Are you okay? Have you been crying?" He asks worried. "Umm.. yeah" I say hesitantly. "Meredith?" Derek walks up to me. Fuuuuccckkk. Nick looks at me. "Oh i- I didnt mean to interrupt anything. I didnt realise you had company I'm sorry" nick says. "Oh i-" I begin to say. "No it's okay I can go" he turns around, walking away. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. "No wait nick" I grab his arm. He turns around. I let go of him. I look at derek. Then back at nick. "This is my husband" I say to nick. "You're- you're married" he says. "Yes.. well.. yes, kinda.. well, no.. I am but I was widowed but.. now I'm not.. because hes.. alive" I ramble. "What?" He says confused. This is gonna be so awkward. I really dont want to hurt either of them, especially derek. I just got him back.. I dont want to lose him again. "One sec" I say to nick. I look at derek. "Derek.. I- I dont know- I cant- I really- I've-" I stutter. I dont know what to say. He just chuckles. "What is funny?" I ask. "You still ramble when you're nervous" he says. I cant help but smile. He used to love that about me. "Hey. It's cool..  you've been dating. I- you thought was dead. I just came back. I dont expect you to just.. come back to me.." he says "not right away anyway" he smirks. I chuckle lightly. "Meredith?" Nick says. I look at him. I kinda forgot he was here for a second. "Umm.. I dont really know what to say.. this is kinda awkward" I chuckle, probably making the situation ten times more awkward. Derek laughs. "Sorry.. hi. I'm derek shepherd" he holds out his hand to nick. "Nick Marsh" nick says, shaking his hand. "Shit yes.. sorry" I say "nick... derek.. derek.. nick" i introduce them. I can tell Derek's trying not to laugh. I want to punch him. "So.. funny story.." I say "derek.. I've been on a few dates with nick. I met him a few years ago but we recently bumped into eachother and we went out. Nick, this is my husband, derek.. the dead one. Apart from, hes not actually dead. Derek.. explain please" I look at him. "Okay bossy" he says. I kick him. "Ow" he says. "How can you still be so annoying after all these years?" I roll my eyes. "How could you still be so-" he starts. I pinch his arm. "Ow ow ow" he says. "Just explain" I say. "Okay let go of me" he winced. I grinned, letting go of him. "Okay so.." he explained the entire story to nick. "Wow" nick says shocked. "Yeah" we both say. "So.. I should probably go" nick says. "I could leave if you need me to?" Derek says. I look at him. God, hes so perfect. "Youd just leave me here.. with a guy I'm dating?" I raise my brow. "If you want me to go, I'll go" he says. "You have changed" I say. Derek five years ago wouldnt have even thought about letting me go for another guy. "Yeah" he breathes "not that much though" he smiles small. "Good" I say. "Can you wait here a second?" I say to derek. He nods. He walks over to the bed again. Me and nick step outside. "I'm really sorry nick" I say. "Oh" he sighs "you want me to go?" He says. "I'm sorry" I say again. "I really like you nick" i say. He smiles slightly. "You're a great guy" I say. "But just not the right guy" he says. I shake my head no slowly. "I get it.. husband over the guy you're dating" he chuckles lightly. I smile. "Dont take it personally.. I'd pick him over anyone" I say. "You love him" he says. "I do" I say "hes- hes the love of my life. I cant give that up. I cant give him up" I say. "And hes good to you? Or was?" He asks. I smile. "Hes perfect towards me" I say. "Good" he says. I smile sadly. "I'm sorry nick.. I know I keep saying that but i dont know what else to- " I stop myself. "Its okay" he says. He hugs me. I hug him back. "Goodbye meredith" he pulls away. "bye nick" I say. He walks away. I let out a breath. I feel sad. I actually really liked him. But, he doesn't compare to derek one bit. Derek. I smile thinking about him. I rest my body against the door, smiling brightly. I close my eyes. I open them again. I walk back into the room. "Derek?" I walk over to him. Hes sat on the bed, looking at the floor. "Are you okay?" I sit next to him. "I'm fine" he smiles. "No you're not. I can tell when youre faking a smile" I tilt my head to the side. "I've changed.. i- I dont get jealous about the fact that my wife goes on dates with other men. I dont because.. I dont even have the right to do that. I havent been around. I've literally been dead to you for five years. Yet, I still am" he sighs. "Der" I smile sadly. I stroke his cheek with my thumb. "You have every right to be jealous. You're my husband. And it's not your fault. You didnt choose to leave me. You did it to protect me and our family and i respect you so much for that. And just so you know... I'm only going to be dating one guy from now on and that.. is my husband" i say. "You wanna go out with me?" He mumbles. "Yes derek i want to go out with you" i grin. "Infact.." I stand up. I walk over to the drawers. I pull out a shirt. "Is that the shirt I was wearing the night we met?" He asks. "I wear it to sleep at night" I say. "You do?" He says. I pull something else out of the drawer. "I still buy your cologne. I spray it on the shirt and on my pillow at night. It helps me sleep" I say holding up the bottle. "Really?" He smiles. "Yeah" I smell the cologne bottle, taking in his scent. "You.. put this on" I pass him his shirt. "And I'm going to get changed in the other room" I grab a dress. "We're going on our first date" I say. "Oh this is a first date is it?" He smiles. "We should have a start over" I say. "Start over from the beginning?" He asks. I shake my head. "Start over from five years ago. We were supposed to go on a date a week after you came back from dc. We never went. We're starting from then" I say. He smiles brightly. "I am not putting on makeup.. I'm just going to cry it all off" I wipe my tears. He chuckles. I go into the other room and get changed. Once I'm ready, I walk back into the bedroom. "You look just as perfect as the day we met" i say. "You look even more perfect.. if that's possible" he looks me up and down. I'm wearing a black dress and my hair is curled. Hes wearing his red shirt and black jeans. "Ready to go?" I ask. I grab my purse and phone. He grabs his stuff too. "Yeah" he says. I hold out my hand. He entwines our fingers. "Where are we going?" He asks. We get to the elevator in the hotel. "I dont know..  well find somewhere" I chuckle. He smiles. The elevator doors open and we walk in. I press the button and they close. I look at him. Hes so gorgeous. He looks at me. Fuck it. I step towards him, kissing him passionately, pushing him against the elevator wall. He puts his hands on my waist, turning us around and pushing me into the wall instead. I run my fingers through his hair, moaning quietly into his mouth as he thrusts his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues dance passionately. I pull his face even closer to mine, if that's even possible and push my tongue further into his mouth. I feel him groan against my lips. The elevator doors ping. We pull apart, still looking into eachothers eyes and breathing heavily as the doors open. "What is it about damn elevators?" I grin. He chuckles. "I dunno.. you tell me.. you're the one who's always pouncing on me in them" he smirks. I giggle, hitting him lightly. I hold his hand again as we walk out. We step outside the hotel. I turn to him again. I look at him. He looks at me and smiles. "I missed kissing you" I put my hands on his cheeks, kissing him again, softer this time. He kisses me back slowly, lovingly and gently. "I missed kissing you too" he kisses me one more time. "Where do you wanna go?" I entwine our fingers again. "Back upstairs to the room. Are you wearing a bra?" He says, looking at my boobs. I hit him playfully on the arm. "Derek shepherd you cannot say that on a first date" I say "and no.. I'm not" I smirk. "Mmm" he growls. I giggle. "Anyways.. I am definetly not sleeping with you" I say. "You have said this before" he says. "People dont sleep together on a first date" i say. "We literally had sex like, twenty minutes after meeting at Joe's" he chuckled. "Shut" I hit him "up" I hit him again. "Where do you really wanna go?" He asks. "I think there's a cinema around here? That's a place where people go on dates right?" I say. "Making out in the back of the movie theatre, sure" he smirks. I roll my eyes. "I think it's just a small distance there? Wanna walk?" I ask. It's quite dark outside. Its 8:00. "Yeah" he says. We start walking. We make it to the cinema. We pick a movie. He buys us some popcorn and a large drink for us to share. We go to our seats. "Its quiet in here" he says. "Nobodys gonna watch this movie. Whyd you think I picked it?empty movie theatre all to ourselves" I smile. We're in the very back row in the middle. The movie starts. I look at him. He looks at me and smiles. "I cant believe you're actually alive. And here. With me" I reach my hand up, stroking his face with my thumb. "I cant believe I'm on a date with such a gorgeous woman" he smiles, running his fingers through my hair. "You're married to the gorgeous woman" I chuckle. "You know if.. if we weren't married and I was just your boyfriend when I died, would you still be on this date right now?" He asks nervously. "Derek I'm not here because your my husband.. I'm here because you're.. derek. You're the love of my life. I'm not just going to give that up because we lost five years. We have many, many more years to make up for it" I look him in the eyes. "Really?" He smiles. "Really" I say. He leans closer to me, our faces centimetres apart. I fill the gap between us, kissing him passionately. "Damn it I forgot how much I love kissing you" I breathe. I move off of my seat and onto his lap, straddling him. He kisses me again, running his fingers through my hair. I put my hands on the back of his neck, pushing his face closer to me, kissing him more hungrly. We end up making out for the rest of the movie. "Hey" he says. I'm kissing and sucking on his neck. I dont answer. "The movies over" he puts his hands on my waist. I pull away and look at the screen. The lights came on. "Oh" I say. "I didnt watch any of that movie" he chuckles. "Me either" I laugh. "Wanna movie hop?" I smirk. "Meredith grey such a rule breaker" he smirks jokingly. I giggle. "Too scared?" I grin. "Terrified" he rolls his eyes. I laugh. "Well come on then" I stand up off of his lap, holding his hand. He stands up. We walk out of the movie and sneak into another one. This ones got a few people in it but not many. I just sit straight onto his lap this time, continuing our makeout. I moan into his mouth. I pull away. "Dont do that" I whisper, chuckling. He stuck his tongue down my throat. "Oh you love it" he smirks. "I do. That's why you cant do it. We're in a movie theature" I chuckle. "Wont be able to resist me?" He smirks. "I'm never able to resist you. I think we learnt that from the prom" I grin. "Oh the prom. That was so hot" he says. I laugh. "It was" I almost moan just thinking about it. "We should go" he says. "Mmm" I nod. I was about to stand up but I grab his face one more time, kissing him hard. I stand up, our lips not separating as he stands up with me. He puts his hands on my waist as my arms rest around his neck. I arch my back slightly as our tongues fight. We finally pull away for air. I wrap my arm around his waist and he rests his on my shoulder. We walk out of the cinema room. "Hey didnt you two get tickets for room 6?" The ticket lady walks over to us. We look at eachother. "Uhh.." I say. "I'm going to get my manager" she says. She walks away. We stand there. "Let's go" he whispers in my ear. "We need to wait for-" I start. "Come on" he looks around making sure nobody is looking. We see the woman walking towards us with the manager. He holds my hand. He runs out of the cinema, pulling me along with him. I giggle as we run out of the building. I look behind us and a security guard is chasing us. "Crap" we run faster. We make it to the end of the street. We look back and the security guard is gone. We both look at eachother out of breath and laugh. "That was so fun" I giggle. He chuckles. "You're fast" I say. "So are you" he chuckles. "I've been going on runs" I grin. "I've been working out" he grins back. "You have?" I say. I lift his shirt up slightly. "Wow" I breathe. He laughs. I run my hand down his toned stomach. "You like what you see?" He smirks. I giggle.  I move my hands up to his cheeks, holding his face in my hands. "Mcdreamy" I grin. "Dont mcdreamy me" he smirks. "The grey streaks in your hair look incredibly sexy too" I run my fingers through his hair. "I was thinking about dying it" he says. "Don't" i say. "Okay" he chuckles. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close. "This has been the best day ever" I say. "Is it over?" He raises his brow. "Definetly not" I kiss him. "Let's go back to the hotel" I breathe against his lips. I put my hands on his waist, stepping closer to him and kissing him passionately. "Quickly before I rip all your clothes off right here right now" he growls, backing me up against a wall. I take a breath as I look into his lust filled eyes, our faces centimetres apart. He kisses me hungrly. "We should go now" I pant breathlessly. I grab his hand and we practically run back to the hotel. As soon as we step foot in the elevator, I push him up against the wall kissing him hard. He turns us around, pushing me against the wall instead. He picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. The doors open. We dont pull away as he carries me to my room. "The doors locked" he pulls our lips apart. "Get- get it out of my purse" I pant. He reaches into my bag that's around my neck, grabbing the key. He unlocks the door, opening it and walking inside. He puts me onto the floor. He pulls my dress over my head, dropping it onto the floor. I kick off my heels. He kicks off his shoes before I unbutton his shirt, throwing it carelessly across the room. I reach my hands down, undoing and pulling down his trousers. I push him gently towards the bed. He sits on the edge of it and I straddle him. He looks at me, running his hands down my bare back. I run my fingers through his hair, kissing him hungrly. I moan quietly into the kiss as he deepens it. He picks me up again, walking us over to the head of the bed, our lips never separating as he lays us down with me ontop of him. I rest my legs at either side of his waist so I'm straddling him. Our tongues fight passionately as he runs his fingers through my hair, down my body to my waist. He reaches down, pulling off my panties as we continue making out. I kick them the rest of the way off. He rolls us over so hes hovering over me. He starts kissing my neck, slowly making his way down my body, leaving kisses all the way down. I look down and his head is inbetween my legs. He pushes apart my legs, making eye contact with me before licking my foulds. "Mmm" I close my eyes, resting back into the pillow as he flicks my clit back and forth with his tongue. "Mmm derek stop- stop teasing me" I let out between small whimpers. He ignores me, continuing his painful torture. He moves away from my vagina, sucking on my thighs instead. "Please.. derek.. please" I pant. I hear him chuckle quietly against my skin. My sexual frustration is through the roof right now. "Derek I swear if you don't make me cum soon then I'll do it myself" I move my hand down, rubbing my clit with my middle finger. He grabs my wrist, holding it down onto the bed. I let out a breath. "Desperate much?" He jokes. "Annoying much?" I say back. "Derek" I whimper. my hips rise, pushing myself closer to his face. He pushes them back down. I'm taken buy suprise and let out a loud moan as he thrusts his tongue into my centre. "Ohh! Th- thank.. you! Mmm! Derekk" I moan. He pushes my legs further apart, holding them open as they threaten to close from the pleasure. "Ohh i- I missed.. you're tongue. It's so- Ohh soo gooddd!" I run my fingers through his hair, pushing him further into me. He rubs my clit with his thumb whilst swirling his tongue around my walls. "OHHHH! FUUUCCKKKKK!! DERRREEKKK" I almost scream in pleasure, my back arching and my head falling further into the pillow as I cum. I feel him lick me clean before making his way back up my body. He kisses my sweaty chest and collarbone before moving his face up to mine. "Fuck. That thing- that thing you do with your tongue" I pant. "Damn it I missed you so much" I breathe. I put my hands on the back of his neck, pulling him closer and kissing him. I reach down, pulling off his boxers. He kicks them the rest of the way off. I flip us over so I'm ontop, straddling his waist. I lean down, kissing him softly at first but he deepens the kiss by thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I pull away. "Not too fast" I smirk. "Meredith" he breathes. "Shouldn't have teased me" I grin mischievously. "Now lay back.." I push his shoulders into the bed "and let me have my way with you" I whisper, smirking. I lean down to his face, kissing and sucking on his jawline, to his neck, collarbone, down his chest, slowly making my way down his body. I finally make my way to his very hard cock. I make eye contact with him. I purposefully skip his shaft and start sucking on the insides of his thighs. "Mer" he groans. I can tell hes getting frustrated. I smile smugly against his skin. I kiss back up to his cock, licking the tip, swallowing the pre-cum. I move down it, licking from the base, back up to the tip. He groans as I swirl my tongue around the tip before taking in all of him. I move my head up and down, moving him in and out of my throat. I forgot how big he was. His tip repeatedly hits the back of my throat, almost making me gag. He let's out loud groans. I can tell he's close. He doesnt even finish before pulling me off of him. "I wanna be inside of you" he whispers huskily. I crawl back up his body. I lift myself up slightly, sliding onto his hard cock. "Ohhh" I almost whimper. He stretches out my vagina. I rest my hands either side of him, looking at him. "You okay?" He smiles, moving my hair out of my face. "Its- you're just so big" I breathe. "You're so tight. What? You're dates not as pleasurable as me" he grins. "I- oh I-" i moan "Shut up. Just- shut up" I try not to laugh at his pettiness. He smiles smugly. I start grinding myself against him. His cock massages my walls, making me moan. He groans. "You feel so good" I rest my hands on his shoulders as I move around. He puts his hands on my waist. Just the feeling of him inside me could probably make me cum in seconds. "You ready?" He bites his lip. Hes so sexy. "Mmm" I nod. he picks me up. Just his tip is in me before he slams me back onto him. I let out a loud moan and he groans. He keeps doing it. Picking me up and down him repeatedly, making me scream out moans of pleasure. "Derek I need- ohhh! I need faster" I let out. He immediately flips us around, him ontop. My head falls back into the pillows as he starts sucking my neck, thrusting in and out of me faster. I wrap my legs around his waist. My hands grip the bed sheets and my back arching as I cum. "OHHHHH FUCCCKKKK! DER! MMM! DEREEKKK!" I moan loudly. He continues thrusting into me, harder and faster. I feel another wave of pleasure approaching. My hands find the way to his back, digging my nails into the back of his shoulders and scratching down it as I get closer. "Mmm. Shit. SHIT! OHH FUCCKK! DER!" I shake under him as I cum again. I've not felt so much pleasure in over 5 years. He let's out deep groans, his head falling into my shoulder as he gets closer to his own release. "God mer. You- You feel so.. good! FUCK! MEREDITH" he grunts as his cum spills into me. I run my hands up and down his back gently. We're both breathing heavily. I feel his breath on my shoulder, sending shivers through my body. I run my fingers through his hair as he pulls away slightly, looking into my eyes. "That was so amazing" I smile. "It was" he breathes. I put my hands on his cheeks, pulling him closer and kissing him softly. He pulls out, laying next to me. I roll onto my side. He does the same, so we're looking at eachother. I move closer to him, our bodies touching under the covers, our faces centimetres apart. He rests his arm on my waist. I look into his eyes. I stroke his jaw with my thumb. "You have no idea how much I missed you" he says. "It couldn't have been anywhere close to as much as I missed you" I whisper tearfully "I love you" I say. "You do?" He says tearfully, sounding almost shocked. I push his curls out of his face gently. "More than anything" I whisper. A tear rolls down my face, onto the pillow. "I love you too" he says. "You do?" I smile. "More than anything" he whispers, a tear falling from his own eye onto his pillow. I move my hands down, wrapping my arms around his waist. He wraps his arms round my waist, pulling me closer, into his embrace. "You'll be here in the morning right? I'm not going to wake up just to realise this was a dream?" I say. "I'll be right here in the morning.. in your arms" he wraps his arms tighter around me. "Okay good" I kiss him on the chest before snuggling my face into his chest. He cuddles more into me. I feel his breath on my head. "This is- it feels so right. Perfect.. having you next to me. Being in your arms as I fall asleep" I mumble into his chest. "I know. It feels like I havent got a good nights sleep in 5 years" he says. "Me either" I say. "I'm glad you came back to me" I whisper. "I'm sorry I ever left you" he whispers back. "I love you so much" I close my tear filled eyes. "I love you so much too" he whispers. I fall asleep, for the first time in five years, in my husbands arms.

4977 words

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