struggles of marriage pt1

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Me and derek have been married for 5 years. We got married when we were both 19. We're now 24.

Our relationship lately has been horrible. We've been arguing constantly.

"You're an asshole! Get out of my room!" I scream at him. "This is my room too! If you have a fucking problem with it then you leave!" He yells.

I look at him shocked. "Don't come to my birthday party tomorrow" I look into his eyes. "Its in my house" he says. "Then go somewhere else.. I dont want you here" I leave the room.

I climb into the guest bed alone. Tears run down my cheeks as I cuddle my pillow. I eventually cry myself to sleep.


The next morning I wake up and get ready. I go downstairs. He's sat on the couch. I look at him.

He walks over to me. "Happy birthday meredith" he whispers, putting his hands on my arms. I inhale a sharp breath as he kisses my cheek.

"You look beautiful" he walks past me. "Thank you" I whisper. He goes upstairs. I grab my stuff and head to cristinas house.


I walk into my house. Me and cristina are back here to set up for my party. "Derek!" I yell. Please be here.

I go upstairs to our bedroom. He actually left? He left me on my birthday.

I go back down. "Is he here?" She asks. I shake my head. She gives me a look of pity. "Who cares" I shrug. We start setting up.


I'm in the corner of the room, drinking. A guy is talking to me. I think he's a nurse. He's definitely hitting on me.

My smile fades as I see derek stood across the room, watching me with a look of sadness on his face. Our eyes lock. He walks away.

"Excuse me" I say. I follow him. "Derek" I walk after him into the kitchen. "Having fun?" He asks. "I thought you weren't coming" I say.

He stares at me blankly. "I wasn't flirting with him" I say. "No, of course not" he says sarcastically. "I wasn't.. it just felt good to have someone show interest in me" I say quietly.

He looks at me. "I thought that this week would be different" I start to get emotional. "What?" He asks. "I thought we'd take a break from the fighting" I tear up.

"Meredith" he says, shocked to see me getting this upset. I never usually show my emotions this much.

"I just wanted a nice birthday with my husband.. I didn't even want this stupid party, I just wanted a day with you.. cuddling and kissing and you spoiling me with gifts.. maybe even make love at the end of the night.. I didn't want this" I cry uncontrollably.

He just stands there awkwardly. "I'm sorry, excuse me.. I'm really drunk and I shouldn't be talking to you right now anyway" I walk away. "Meredith!" He holds my hand.

I turn around. "I wanted the same" he says. I roll my eyes. I don't believe him. "Baby, I bought every single fucking present off of your wishlist to spoil you with.. and more" he puts his hands on my waist.

"I wanted to stop arguing with you, but you started being moody with me yesterday.. I only gave up because I realised that you didn't want that and I'd only be getting in your way" he says.

"I was moody because I thought you were going to be mean on my birthday" I whisper. "I wasn't" he whispers.

"I feel so broken.. I dont know what to do" I sob. "Its okay, you're just drunk" he hugs me. "No, I miss you" I cry.

"My heart hurts" I say drunkenly. "Does it?" He picks me up, sitting me on the counter infront of him. I nod.

"I don't know if it still likes me" I slur. "If what still likes you?" He asks. "My heart" I say.

"Why wouldn't it?" He smiles. "Because I took your heart away from it.. and I think them two were boning" I say. He laughs.

"Our hearts were boning?" He plays along. I nod. "What should we do to make them feel better again?" He asks. "Fix meredith and derek" I hug his neck. "I think that too" he says.

"How do we do that?" He asks. "I don't know" I start crying again. "Hey, no no.. don't cry" he hugs me tighter.

"My heart hurts more" I say. "Meredith" he says. "Derek" I say. "I love you" he says. "Really?" I ask. "A lot" he says.

"Does your heart feel better?" He puts his hand on my chest. I nod. He chuckles. "Come on, let's go and rejoin your party" he helps me down.

Derek's pov:
She holds my hand. I follow her out of the kitchen. "Derek loves me" I hear her tell cristina as we walk over to her. She glares at me. She does not like me at the moment. I get it. I hurt her best friend.

"Why have you been crying?" Cristina asks. "Mhm" she let's go of my hand and hugs cristina. Cristina holds onto her so she doesn't fall.

"Me and derek talking" she slurs. "About what?" She looks at me. "Our hearts" meredith says. Cristina rolls her eyes.

"Can I go with derek?" She pulls away from cristina. She nods. "hurt her, I dare you" she passes her to me. I wrap my arms around her. She follows me out of the room.

"How long has it been since we've had sex?" She looks up at me. "Too long" I put my hands on her cheeks. "Four months" she says. "It hasn't been that long" I say, shocked. She nods.

"How did I survive that?" I say. "My nudes?" She grins. "Yes" I chuckle. She giggles.

"How long has it been since we kissed?" She asks. "Two days" I say. I kissed her two days ago because I thought she looked beautiful. She was pissed after cause it was mid argument.

"Kiss me now" she says. I kiss her immediately. "Mhhm" i feel her smile against my lips. She wraps her arms around my neck. I stumble forwards and she stumbles back. I hold her tighter.

I push her up against the wall. There's a bunch of people around us talking to eachother but I don't think either of us really care enough to stop.

She's literally pulling my hair, she's gripping it so tight in her fists as our tongues fight.

I grab her thighs, picking her up. She wraps her legs around my waist. She pulls away from my lips to catch her breath.

"Can I give you your presents, baby?" I ask. She nods. I put her down.

She goes and sits on the couch. I go and come back with all her presents. I sit on the floor infront of her. She opens them one by one.

"Thank you" she says tearfully, hugging me tight. I slip the ring that I got her onto her finger. "You're welcome" I hug her back.

She sits on the floor next to me. "What's going to happen tomorrow?" She asks. "I don't know" I sigh.

"Get everyone to leave please.. I want time alone with you" she stands up. "Okay baby" I say. She goes upstairs.

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