daddy shepherd

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Background information:
Derek is 42.. he has a 23 year old son (he had him young and his mother is no longer in his life because she abandoned him when he was young, leaving just derek to take care of him)

Derek is a mafia leader and ezra is his son. They are millionaires so live in a huge mansion. Meredith is quite wealthy too but not in the mafia bussiness, she's a surgeon. She's 25. Her and ezra have been dating 4 months.

Meredith's pov:
I smile as ezra opens the door for me. I walk into his house. "You wanna watch a movie?" He asks. I look into his eyes. "I um- I can't.. my shift starts soon" I lie.

"Oh, hi Meredith" Mr shepherd walks into the hallway, immediately making eye contact with me. "Hi Mr shepherd" I smile small.

Me and Mr shepherd actually have a history. I know you may be thinking 'oh, that's sweet.. she gets along with her boyfriends farther'. No.

Firstly, he's not my boyfriend. And second, oh god.. where do I begin with mine and Mr shepherds past...

It all started 2 months ago when me and ezra were hanging out in his room.

I was a little drunk and told ezra that I was going to the bathroom. What I didn't know was that I was actually going to mistake the doors.. and accidentally go into his farther room, who I've been crushing on since I met him.

One thing led to another and, well.. he definitely feels at least something similar to the feelings I have towards him.. for me.


"O-ohhh! Fuckkkkkkkk!!!!" My back is pressed against the cold wood door in his bathroom. We're both completely naked as he moves in and out of me fast.

I've never experienced such pleasure. I don't even know how this happened. I just apologised for mistaking rooms and we started talking a little.. then one thing led to another and, well..

He grabs my legs tighter, pounding into me harder. "Y-yeahh!! Yeah, fuck yessss!" My head falls back. "Shh darling" he covers my mouth with his hand.

I bite his finger. He gasps, pulling away. He grins. He slows his movements, letting me speak.

"We both know these walls are soundproof.. thick walls, acoustic foams, double-paned windows, and insulation foams.. the room isn't even finished so I can see it all" I say.

"Okay, smartass" he says jokingly. I grin. "You're fucking a genius.. what can I say" I say jokingly. "You're cute" he chuckles huskily.

"Can you go faster?" I ask. He grins, grabbing onto my thighs. He starts pounding into me again.


He walks past us to the kitchen, still in my view. "Okay then, bye mer" ezra says. "Bye" I smile. He kisses me softly. He walks upstairs to his room.

I make eye contact with Mr shepherd. He smiles before taking a sip of his water. "Do you need a lift home?" He asks. "I.. um-" I look down.

"I'm sorry for my sons ignorance.. he didn't even offer you a lift, did he?" He asks. "Its okay.. I can take a cab" I sigh, getting out my phone.

"Let me take you home" he says. I look up at him.My mom set me and ezra up. She wants me to marry him someday. I actually do like him, but he's definitely not boyfriend material.

The only reason I'm still dating him is to get my mom off my back about marriage.

I take a breath, looking up at him as he walks over to me. He's much taller than me. "Can I at least give you the money for the cab?" He asks. Oh, fuck it. "How about that lift?" I smile, putting my phone away.

He smiles. He has the most beautiful smile. He grabs my coat our of my hands gently. I smile, turning around as he helps me put it on. "Thankyou" I say.

We walk outside to his car. He opens the door for me and I get in. "Thankyou" I say. He closes the door and gets in the drivers side. I give him my address.

"Your car is.. beautiful" I chuckle softly, running my finger down the shiny black inside of the door as he drives me home.

"Derek.. can I call you derek?" I ask. "You can do whatever you want darling" he says. I try to ignore the butterflies in my stomach as I reply.

"Are you really a mafia leader?.. ezra tells me that he's next in line" I ask. "I am.. but I don't know if he's ready yet.. far too immature" he says. I nod.

"Can I ask you something else?" I ask. He nods silently. "Are you married?" I ask. "No" he says. "Good.. I mean, not good.. well, its not.. not good" I ramble. He chuckles, shaking his head.

"I just mean.. I was a little worried-" I say. "I know what you mean" he says. I let out a small breath.

"I was drunk that day" I say after a few moments of silence. "You weren't that drunk" he chuckles. "I'm not a cheater.. me and ezra aren't even official.. plus, we've never even slept together-" I stop.

"Oh god, I am a terrible person" I tilt my head back, sighing. "You're not a terrible person.. trust me.. if anyone is.. its him" he says.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Hes had different women over everyday the past week" he says. I look at him shocked.

We arrive at my house. "Derek" I say. "Yes meredith?" He asks. "Do you want to come in?" I ask. "I should get home" he says.

The only reason I haven't made another move on derek is because I feel bad about ezra. But fuck him.. if he's cheating on me too then there's no fucking point.

"I'll give you a fun time" I smile innocently. "I don't doubt it" he smirks. "Come on derek.. I know that day was amazing for you too" I grin.

He looks into my eyes. "Hes my son" he says. "He told me the only reason he still lives with you is so you'd pick him as next leader instead of your best friend" I say.

He looks at me shocked. A smile appears on his face. "You knew" I say shocked. "I'm not stupid" he says. "But I am surprised he told you that" he says. I shrug.

"I'm good at getting gossip out of people" I giggle. He smiles. "How about we start with a couple of drinks, miss grey?" He asks.

"That sounds good, Mr shepherd" I say. We get out of the car and go into my house.

1185 words

I hate this sm but I wanted to post a one-shot so.. here ig

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