spin the bottle

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"I'm bored" I say. We're at an end of season party. The entire cast is here and loads of crew members. It's season 3. "We should play a game" Sandra says. "Guys! We're playing spin the bottle!" I announce. I'm quite tipsy already. Everyone agrees and we sit on the floor in a circle.

"Who first?" I giggle. "I'll go" eric says. He spins the bottle. It lands on Kate. Kate chuckles. Eric smirks. They lean over to eachother and kiss. Everyone cheers them on. They pull away slowly. Kate giggles, spinning the bottle. It lands on patrick.

"Ellen.. if I do this are you gonna kill me or-" Kate teases. "Shut up" I giggle. Patrick chuckles. They're sat next to eachother, opposite me. They look at eachother. They both laugh. I look down, nibbling on the inside of my cheek as they kiss, not wanting to watch. I look up as they pull away.

Patrick grins at me as he spins the bottle. I nibble on my lip, smiling as I look down at the bottle. It lands on me. "Damn it" I tease. He chuckles. I sit up slightly, moving towards him. "Eww you just kissed Kate.. you should probably brush your teeth or something first" I grin at Kate. "Bitch" she laughs. Everyone chuckles. I giggle.

Me and patrick both lean over to eachother, stopping in the middle of the circle. We look into eachothers eyes. He kisses me. Everyone cheers as I deepen the kiss. I hold back moans as he guides his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fight. We finally pull away breathless. "You were supposed to kiss him not jump him" Justin says. I giggle. We both sit back down properly.

Patrick spins the bottle again. I giggle as it lands on me again. Everyone chuckles. We lean over to eachother again. He kisses me passionately. I put my hand on his jaw as he deepens the kiss this time. He kisses me until I'm breathless. We pull away again slowly. I giggle, sitting back down.

I spin the bottle again. Everyone laughs as it lands on patrick again. "You may aswell just get a room at this point" Kate says. I giggle. We kiss again. He spins. "Finally" everyone says as it lands on  someone else. It landed on Katherine. They kiss. Just quickly. I look away.

Later on, I'm sat on the couch. Everyone's partying. I'm drinking a beer. I look as someone takes the beer off of me. "Hey that's mine" I say to patrick as he takes a sip of my beer. He grins, passing it back to me. I chuckle. He sits next to me on the couch. I giggle. I put the beer on the coffee table.

"Hi" patrick grins, wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulls me close to him. I giggle. "Are you drunk?" I grin. "No" he says. I turn to face him. Our faces are centimetres apart. I'm still in his arms. I look into his eyes. "Yes you are" I giggle. "A little" he grins.

"You're a good kisser" he says. He looks down at my lips. "Am i?" I grin. "You don't use tongue on set" he smirks. I giggle. "Its unprofessional" I grin. "Its unprofessional kissing your costar at a party but.." he smirks. "Blame the bottle" I grin. "And who's idea was that?" He slurs. "Your idea" I say. "No it wasn't" he gasps. "Uhuh" I giggle. "Nuhuh" he shakes his head. I chuckle. I wrap my arms around his neck. He grins. I smile. He pulls me closer to him. "I wish I had a bottle right now" I grin. "No need" he smirks.

I look around. "We should go somewhere private" I whisper. "Okay" he stands up. I giggle, holding his hand as I stand up. He walks upstairs. We're at Kate Walsh's house. "Where are we going? I don't think we're allowed up here" I giggle. "It's fine" he says. He pulls me into one of the bedrooms. I giggle.

He sits on the edge of the bed. I climb onto his lap, straddling him. He puts his hands on my thighs, pulling me closer to him. I run my fingers through his hair. I kiss him. We end up making out for about five minutes. "Do you think anyone's gonna notice we're gone?" I ask as he kisses my neck. "Who cares?" He says. I giggle. He kisses me again. I run my fingers through his hair, kissing him back. The door opens. I pull away.

We look at the door. "Oh" chandra says. I look away from her, biting my lip. I try not to laugh. "Everyone's looking for you two.." she says. She walks out. "Don't tell anyone!" I shout. I giggle, looking at patrick. He laughs. "I told you" I put my hand on his shoulder, pushing him playfully. He chuckles. I giggle. "Come on" I kiss him passionately before getting off of him. He gets up. We walk downstairs. Everyone is still dancing and drinking. We walk over and sit on the couch, next to eachother.

"You're not allowed upstairs" Kate comes up behind us, hitting us both lightly over the head. "Chandras a snitch" patrick says. I giggle. "If you have sex on anything in my house you have to tell me so I can pour bleach on it and burn it" she says. "Wha- shut up" I giggle.

"We weren't having sex" patrick says. "No you were making out like horny teenagers" she says. "We were actually making out like horny costars" I grin. "Whatever.. just don't have sex on my bed" she says. "Okay" I giggle. She walks away. "Let's go have sex on her bed" Patrick whispers. We both laugh.

I climb ontop of patrick, straddling him. "I thought-" he chuckles. "I don't care" I say. I put my hands on his waist, kissing him passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck, my chest pressed against his. He deepens the kiss. "Wanna go?" He asks. I nod.

1012 words

Writers note:
This is only short, I know.. but I wanted to post.. I couldn't write smut coz I'm staying at London at the moment and I'm not writing that when I'm in a hotel room with my nan coz that'd weird HAHA 💀

I'll try to post something better tomorrow tho


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