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A couple of weeks ago Patrick's mom died. Him and his mom were really close so he's not taking it too well.

Ellen and him have been dating for 2 years. She's trying to make him feel better, but there's nothing she can really do. He's also taking some time off work.

Me and Kate are sat in the break room talking. "How is he?" Kate asks. "Hes.." I stop. She sighs.

"And he's been using sex as a distraction.. which usually, would be great for me.. but literally every inch of my body is aching right now" I say. We both chuckle.

The door opens and someone walks in. We look at patrick. "Were you talking about me?" He raises his brow. "No.. how do you-" Kate says.

"Everyone goes silent when I walk into a room" he says. "We were just so gobsmacked by how handsome you look" I say. He grins.

"Are you drunk?" I ask. I get up, walking over to him. "No!" He says. "Yes" he whispers in my ear. I chuckle softly.

"Okay lets take you back to the trailer" I hold his hand. "I want to talk to kate" he whines. "She'll still be here later" I say. We walk out of the room to the trailer.

I sit him on the couch. "You okay?" I sit next to him, holding his cheeks in my hands. "Uhuh.. me and eric went for drinks" he says. "Eric's supposed to be at work" I say.

"He took the day off to hang out with me" he says. "That was.. nice of him" I roll my eyes. He knows patrick has been drinking too much lately.. he shouldn't be encouraging that.

"How are you doing today.. on a scale from 1 to 10?.. 10 being the worst" I run my fingers through his hair. "Six" he says. "That's good.. better" I whisper.

I smile small as he wraps his arms around me, snuggling his face into the crease of my neck. I wrap my arms around him, holding him tight.

There's a knock on the door. "Come in" I say. Kate walks in. "Hey" she sits on the coffee table infront of us. We pull away from eachother slowly.

"Hey" he smiles. "I just saw Eric.. he's very drunk" she chuckles. He chuckles. "How are you?" She asks. "Fine" he says. "Oh um.. eric said thanks for letting him borrow it" she hands him his car key.

"You let him- wait he drove you.. drunk?" I say. "Mm" he shrugs. "Are you joking?" I look at him. He furrows his brows, shaking his head. "I'm gonna fucking kill him" I stand up. "Ellen" Kate says. "Watch him" I say. I walk out.

I run to Eric's trailer. I knock on the door. He doesn't answer. I walk in. He's not there. I walk out, going to set. I walk to the break room.

Katherine, Sandra, chyler and eric are in there. Chyler is talking to eric. "Are you stupid?" I walk over to eric. Hes stood at the kitchen counter.

"What?" He says. He's still tipsy. "You got him drunk.. I told you- I told you that he's been drinking too much lately" I say. "I-" he says.

"And are you trying to get yourself fired.. or arrested.. or killed? Drink driving.. seriously!" I say. "Ellen-" he says.

"No.. I dont care.. I dont care if you want to go and get drunk when you're supposed to be at work.. and I don't care if you drive drunk but don't do it with my boyfriend" I say.

"What is your problem?" He says. "My problem is that he's going through something right now and I don't need you taking him out to get drunk and I especially don't need you to put his life in danger by driving drunk.. order a cab next time idiot" I say. I walk away.

I walk back into our trailer. I sit next to patrick on the couch."You find him?" Kate asks. "Mm" I nod. "What did you do?" She chuckles. "Just yelled at him a little.. a lot" I say. She chuckles.

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