Chapter 48: Grace

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As we were practicing, I noticed that Nick Garrett was in the balcony, just staring. Taylor noticed and expressed a couple time she wished he would stop. He was in a suit, red tie, his presence alone was really creepy, he looked like he was sneering? I don't know he was really creepy, Alex said that when he was friends with the guys he definitely acted better, and went about presenting himself better. I guess that now his true self came out he didn't feel the need to hide himself anymore.

I guess I don't blame him, I spent my entire time with Blake being what he molded me to be. After I left, I had to figure out the person I was and wanted to be and get to there with the help of Taylor of course, but a lot of it was on me figuring it out mentally.

"Are you okay, Grace?" Alex stepped into my line of vision which was focused on the back wall of the stage. Every time we stopped practicing or took a break to figure something out with my costume, I turned around to look at the wall and not Nick.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I quickly answered, I don't want them to think anyone is bother me. Nick isn't bothering me it's just I don't his face in my head during my performance, I don't want to be distracted thinking about what we could want with the guys.

"Okay, the move where I take off the dress is okay now, but do you want to do it again?" Alex asked concern covering his face. The dress kept getting caught but after a couple minutes we got it figured out. Taylor is absolutely pissed we didn't have time to practice with it for more than just right now, we have about 45 minutes until the club opens putting the time around three forty-five.

"Yeah, sure." I said pulling my thoughts away pulling myself together to work on this dance.

I turned around when I walked to stand beside the pole, Alex walked to stand behind me then made me stand on his knee like I would be when I did this. Taylor and I made a signal that would only be noticed by me and Alex when dancing to signal when I needed to go. Alex held the bottom of my dress just below the clips and made the signal waving his finger subtly I leaped off of his knee on the pole and twirled around it with my legs wrapped around it. When I felt that the dress was not on anymore, I knew that we had done it right.

"Yes!" I heard Taylor yell after I spun down the pole I stepped around the pole to where she was standing in front of the wall, and she ran to me, hugging me.

"YES! Okay, now we can run through the routine once more before the club opens?" Alex said clapping his hands together big smile on his face. I smiled back at him, this dance is my favorite thing right now I have been running through what I can at home, and what I can't in my head. I love this, I knew I was going to love this job, this is so freeing and so fun.

"Definitely!" I answered. This dance is so fun I think the only thing that Nate and Mateo will have a problem with is at the end Alex has to kneel behind me and we basically pretend we are having sex as the song goes quieter and then off. Our starting position is kneeled in the floor me sitting in his lap Taylor and Jordan thought it would be a great idea to end the dance the same way as it started hence the end move.

Me and Alex we kind of against the idea at the beginning but Jordan and Taylor told a few jokes to us and we got over the anxiety of it. Alex was against it because he knew about my boyfriends and me as well other than that we were fine with it, we are besties right now. We have been talking every night I facetime him before I call Nate and we go over the dance and talk about our days and our life.

Alex is really nervous about Nate and Mateo he has expressed his anxiety on the phone with me but he said he could just make a joke about how he is gay. We all laughed when he said that, I think that if Nate and Mateo get the jealous of him that badly it will be the talk of the club for a while. After zapping myself out of my thoughts I noticed that both Alex and Taylor were standing in front me their arms crossed.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Alex said stepping closer to me making a show of feeling my forehead with the back of his hand. His long brown hair was in a bun on top of his head, his brown eyes staring into mine. He was grinning it was times like this I thought he could read my exact thoughts. He sighed before speaking.

"No, I'm not nervous to see the Toy Boys. Am I anxious? Yes, because they're hot." Alex finished with his widening into a smile from ear to ear. I started chuckling Taylor joining in with that big laugh of hers that always lit up a room.

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