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A/n: to make sure we don't get the two Kellys mixed, our Kelly is will have a 'J' after her name and the other Kelly will just be Kelly.


Five years past since the situation with Jocelyn and her children had occurred and the rules of Alexandria had changed dramatically. Michonne was strict on the new policies of their home, especially if it was about security.

Six years since the deaths of Matilda and Rick Grimes, it seemed it had destroy a lot of Alexandrians, yet not as much as Daryl Dixon and Michonne Grimes. The two had become lost, searching for their husband and wife until Michonne had seemly stop after she had RJ.

But Daryl had kept searching. He was adamant about finding his brother and wife and nobody not even his son could stop him. Though Max did try, multiple times throughout the years but nothing worked.

Max had grown to be a resilient and strong eighteen year old boy. He helped his people with runs, hard labor, and raising his six year old sister.

With a lot of therapy with Gabriel and Kelly, Max could speak more and his anxiety had gradually become better to handle. Granted he only speaks to the people he knows and trusts, and still uses sign language, but with constant behavioral and cognitive behavioral therapy Max could over come his mutism.

Raising Cassidy (with the help of Michonne and Kelly) wasn't easy after their father had isolated himself from his friends and family. Their father had kept up with the two or three days a month promise for the first three years before it slowly decline to once a month for last two years.

Max doesn't think his dad was a bad father because he isn't, but the toll of his mother's death effected his father so much that he didn't see what he was doing to his children.

Cassidy was a heart of gold to everyone in Alexandria, Hilltop, and the Kingdom. She made sure her family was smiling, even in the worst of times. The six year old loves to help Rosie in the garden and wants to help Kelly and Saddiq in the infirmary.

She has the patience of a saint. Rarely gets mad and always happy-go-lucky. That's why Max loved his sister so much, she could always make you smile or laugh.

Yet, she isn't always happy-go-lucky, especially the day when her father was supposed to visit. Cassie was supposed to be happy to see her father, whom she adored, but when he never shows up, that happyness fades into sadness.

Max hated to see his baby sister cry when their father didn't show up to the last few months he was supposed to. The familiar Dixon blues shined with tears as he carried her back to their house.

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