The Script

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"The Script?" Glen and mark asked in chorus.

"Yes much better than before." Daniel said and mark seems shocked when he saw daniel. He changed a lot.

"What is the meaning of the script?" Mark asked him.

"I like that name 'the script' Because i want to write a songs with a story behind. Just like a movie, there's always a story behind of everything that's why the script, there's a script. So ? Much better than bad rockers, yeah? bad rockers has no meaning." He said. He is inspired but he doesn't know if why. All he knew he love to be changed.

"Yeah But i'm still wondering. What was happened? I mean why all of a sudden you want to change everything? Even your style? You changed a lot, Dan. Who forced you to be changed?" Mark asked him. Only glen knew everything, daniel kept silent but smiling of the thoughts, he remember the only reason why he is doing this thing, just for one person he loved and he will love forever. That is the one and only jessica. He wants to make her an inspiration even though it's complicated.

"Don't you sense something mark? I thought it's obvious our bad rocker is in love." Glen jokingly said and daniel laughed.

"Inlove?" Mark asked confused. "With whom? I thought you won't fall. I thought you just love flirting not falling in love" Mark said.

"Well i can fall on the ground, on the stairs, on the mountain, but i can only fall for one person." He said and smiled.

"Oh well. I should be thankful for that person. Whoever she is. Because i fucking hate our band name before. Bad rockers. You're the only bad man. I'm glad you changed because of that woman" Mark said and they all laughed except mark. "But seriously who she is?Tell me so i can say thank you to her personally." mark added.

"You knew her man." He replied.

"Huh? Oh c'mon i don't----- Don't tell me it's sam? Your ex" Mark. Glen and Daniel laughed.

"Is not her. You know i did not fall to all of my ex girlfriends i just like their bodies but before i got a chance to fuck them all they're always left me hanging." He said and he remember the time when he was about to make sex with his ex sam, her fiance's called her, It always happen when he was about to do it with his ex girlfriends. He did not love them, just their bodies. But he did it to jessica the only woman he got to make love in bed even tho it's totally sex, yes he loves her body he did not expected he only want to do his plan but he realized her body is fit on his but suddenly he fell in love to jessica not because of her body but because he felt it with all his heart.

"So you're not going to tell me if who she is?" Mark asked.

"Mate it's jessica." Glen said daniel looked at him. He is afraid to tell mark about what had happened.

"Oh? You fell inlove with your maid. And how she is?" Mark asked and he felt the sadness, sadness that he never felt before.

"Unexpectedly she left me, man." He said in a sad tone.

"Why?" Mark asked.Glen kept silent , he let daniel to tell him everything.

"I did something to her..... i- i---"he looked down.He is afraid but he need to tell mark. He doesn't want to be unfair because glen knew everything aside from that he is trusting them. "I did something to her in bed...." there are tears falling from his eyes "It's too late before i realized if what i was doing. She already left me" Daniel explained. mark shocked and a bit of dissapointed. He shook his head.

"So you mean you did the stuff? you know that you f----"

"Yeah i did" Daniel cut him off.

"Damn! don't tell me you did that the night when you are shouting her name at holly's because you want her to go back at yours?"

"It was." Daniel said. "I did it to her twice. That night and last 2 days ago before she left." Daniel said


"I know. It's too late. The last time i did at the middle of doing it i realized, so i don't know what to say. I continued but i did it passionate but after that she left. If i did not fell asleep maybe i can stop her from leaving. I just did it man because it's part of my plan because i want her to get out in my life but all of a sudden i fell for her" He said and wipes his tears. "I miss her man. He added

"Damn you! She is too young. She is just 18." mark said.

"I know. I really want to apologies, i want to follow her but i don't know if where she is living." He said.

"Do you know about this glen?" Mark to glen.

"Yes we talked about it yesterday. My girlfriend was the one who told me and i talked to him" Glen explained.

"I see. But you know i really want to kill you right now but since you were inlove to her but oh well man she will find better than you. Goodluck on finding her" Mark said

"Oh! C'mon man. No!" he said.

"Well..... anyway let's talk about it next time. I want to know about your plan in this new band name... what would be the theme?" Mark changed the topic.

"Ahm i think about it's still pop rock but the songs we'll write are broken hearted songs and love songs?" Daniel suggested.

"Good thing.Much better than before. You are broken? Maybe yes because she left you." Mark said and laughed at him.

"Exactly! and he is inlove" Glen said

"Whatever!" Daniel said.

"Ok when do we gonna start to write our new songs for this new band?" Mark asked

"Maybe on the next month. we should talk to public about the bad rockers first and we'll tell them the new name and new songs for this band."

"Okay that's good." Mark and Glen in chorus.

They talked about the new band name and new songs they will write in the future. Mark and Glen are so thankful that daniel changed everything, from bad rockers to The Script. He want to make a script of his feeling for jessica.

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