you're late.

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Danny close the door behind him and walk near to her bed and sat infront of her.

He didn't waste any time, He directly kissed her lips while she is lying there.

She's trying to push him away but danny is too strong.

She let him at this time and Danny soon pulled away and look into her eyes.

"I missed you." Danny said and kiss the back of her hand.

"Will you please stop ? Who are you ?!" She asked even tho she knows him so well. She sat up in her bed and move backward to take a distance from danny.

"Babe, I'm always telling you. I'm Danny, your boyfriend, I am the father of your kids. Darren and Nicky..... and " He paused and look at her. "Princess." He added.

"Who is she ? where she is ?" She asked him even tho she knows everything.

"Our princess.... but she died.. I mean she is our unborn baby, because you had miscarriage." Danny said. She saw tears in his eyes.

"I wish i was with you on that time." He whispered. "I'm so sorry, Jess." He took her hand but she took her hand back.

"If you're my boyfriend, Why darren always telling me that you have a girlfriend ? Are you cheating on me ? Or are you cheating on your girlfriend ? Or we're really not together ?" She asked

"No! Do you think we're not together if we have kids ?" Danny asked

"Then why do you have another woman ?" She asked him again. With that danny didn't say anything. She sat up on the bed infront of him.

"What ?" She asked him again. Danny just look at her and he walk out of the room.

She shook her head. Poor him! He can't leave his girlfriend don't he ? But she is not waiting for him to come back anyway. She just need an answer, maybe she can live with her children without a man.

She wipes away her tears and hug the pillow next to her.

How she can forget about him if she is still inlove with him ?


Danny walked downstairs and started to run outside of the cornish's house as fast as he can.

He doesn't care even tough he saw his children when he run away.

He miss Jessie too much, He miss being with her and with Nicky, and now Darren is back, He wants to be with Jessie more with their kids.

He broke up with his girlfriend for Jessie, because he realized, Jessie is more than enough for him. But Jessie don't remember anything.

Don't get him wrong, He loved his girlfriend, Jackie. Is just that he realized what he truly feels, He realized if who is the person in his heart. And it always Jessie.

Since the day he met her, He truly love her. He is just afraid, He always has a doubt every time he was with her. What if Jessie did not truly love him ? What if he is the only one who's in-love to the both of them ? What if Jessie love someone else and not him ? Maybe they are the reason. He was testing her if she also love him.

He's afraid though but you can't blame him. He has a doubt because of what he had done to Jessie in the past years when she was his maid.

What if she doesn't love him , what if she just said it to take a revenge to him ? Maybe that's why. But he's wrong. Jessie is not that kind of human he think.

But he doesn't care now if she loves him or not, The important now is he wants to be with them.

And now his goal is to bring her memories back, He doesn't care if she'll remember the bad things he does to her before because he wants her to know who he was and who he is now. He really changed as in changed.

He changed his life for his own family. For Jessie, and for his kids. He wants to live his life with them. He only want to see them until he die.

He get himself into his car and cry. Now he is angry at himself, He is blaming himself for everything he had done.

Why now ? Why now when Jessie don't remember anything ? Why he is always late ? Why he is always late when it comes to his real love life ?

And why he can't answer her question she asked earlier ? Why he can't say out loud that he loves her more than his life now ? WHY ? WHY DANIEL ?

He wipes his tears away and look above. What he should do to bring her memories back ? And most of all what he should do to bring her back into his life and what he should do for darren to forgive him ?

Why everything is so hard ? Why he should live his life like this ? Why the love of his life ? Why his son ?

Why Jessie has amnesia ? Why Darren is angry at him ?

WHY ??!

While asking himself he heard someone knocking on his car door. He look outside and he saw his son, Darren. Like he is begging him to open.

He opened the door next to him and wipes his tears away. He looked at darren.

"Would you mind if i'll get in there and have some private talk with you ?" Darren asked him. He was shocked though but he nod and let him in. He close the door when darren is now sitting at the front seat.

"Why did you come again?" Darren asked but not looking at him, maybe he is still angry at him.

"I want to see all of you. You, your mummy and nicky. I miss you all." He said honestly. He want to hug him, because after the day he met him he never hug him again.

"Do you think mum would still remember you ? Do you think mum would be happy if she found out that you have another woman ?" Darren asked him agan. He look away.

"I always love your mum, I'm just afraid, son. I don't know what else i can do now. But all i want is to bring her back in my life. I want to be with her again, with you and nicky. If she'll remember me, i hope she still love me." He said and look back at darren. Darren look at him.

"Do you think she will ?" Darren asked.

"I think yes and if not..... I'll do everything then. I want to ask her to be my wife." He said

"But you're late. You're late, dad. You should do that before, not this time after everything you've done!" Darren said.

Again he looked away from him and let his tears fall from his green eyes. He doesn't want his son to see him crying.  But darren is right. He's late! He's late after everything he had done.

My BAD-ROCKER Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now