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Another day, another rehearsal, another gig, another big day but everyday starting from now make Glen more nervious and worried about his wife.

His wife's voice in that phone call keeps echoing in his head. He'd never been worried like this before. What is happening? What is wrong in america, better say to his wife in america? Why holly can't tell him through the phone? yes it's better if personal but should he wait for weeks to know the problem's happening out there with his wife? The way holly cried through the phone makes his heart broken. He wants to find out, he wants to go in america but he can't. His mates needs him for their fans' sake. He doesn't want to let them down. But what about his wife?

According to holly from lastnight's phone call she is fine but he knows she is not.

He get up from the couch and get his drumstick and left and let his son playing his phone.

"Are you alright, Glen?" Danny asked him but he just sat down on his drums.

"Thinking about your wife?" Danny asked him again and he started to play the drums a bit not making much noise in the room, ignoring danny. He saw from the corner of his eyes the door opened and closed then he heard mark talking to danny. He ignored them and keep thinking about his wife. He hope she is alright. Its a shame on him that he can't do anything to visit his wife for a while.

"Glen!" Mark called him. He ignored but mark called his name again. He released a big sigh and stop playing the drums. When he look at mark he saw him holding a two small pieces of paper looks like a ticket, showing to him.

"You can see your wife." Mark said with that he froze. He can't believe. How his mates can do this for him? But what about the show.

"Seriously?" He asked and paused for a second. "But how about the show tonight?" He asked

"Your flight is 30 minutes after the show you can still make the show and leave after. So you can go and see your wife. You have two days off. We will move the tomorrow show when you come back. I talked to our manager. You know that i know how you feel and you also do this when my kid was sick. So it's now my time to give it back to you." Mark said. He has now tears rolling down his cheeks. He got up and walk to them. He hug mark, when he pulled away there is danny smiling at him

"Thank you so much! Dan, sorry for ignoring you." He said and danny pulled him for a hug. He hugged him back.

"It's okay mate. I know what you feel. Tell us the news when you come back. As of now you have to relax, we need to focus for the show tonight, okay?" Danny said and he nodded.

"Thank you." He said and his son started to take a little step near to them. He smiled and waiting for him. He carry him and kiss his cheek. He knew this little one already miss his mum. He miss his wife too and his son who is in dublin at the moment.


The show started, the first song started to play, he knew in the first place it won't be easy for him because he is still worried to his wife but he keep calmed and focused on what he is doing. He can see harry from the corner of his eyes watching them on stage, clapping his hand. He is so hyper. Vicky, danny's sister is looking after his son while he is playing infront of thousands people with the lads.

The crowd always give him a reason to live in this industry, they are always making him proud to himself and to the lads, but what makes him more proud is seeing one of his son watching him live.

How time flies so fast? It feels like yesterday when luke was a little like harry watching him the same performing before with different bands in dublin when the script wasn't alive yet. And now another little watching him makes him more proud.

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