I miss him

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Danny is crying after Jessie left. The lads are still in shocked. He shook his head and get off from his bed.

"I can't believe she can do that." Glen stated. He looked at glen and he sat on the floor with his back on the wall and put his head on his knees.

"She doesn't care about me anymore. I told you not to call her. Even if i die she wouldn't care about me. She chose to forget about me. I can't blame her though. I hurt her too much." He said and he hugged his knees. He is not feeling better, but he doesn't care about himself.

"And you shouldn't forget how to take care about yourself. You should stand and continue your life." Mark said sitting on the bed.

"Why should i care ? If she doesn't care about me anymore ?" He said. The lads shooked their heads

"We need you. This band still need you. Why you would let yourself like that ? Why you would kill yourself ? What about your kids ? They need a father.. They need you danny." Mark said again.

"I think their mother can give everything they want so if i could die i have nothing to worry about." He said.

"A mother can't gives what father  can. Do you want them to suffer ? Like you ? Since uncle shay had passed away you still need him until now, You still looking for him and wishing that he's here with you to give you courage and strength. Admit it or not, a mother and father are different. Yes maybe they can give every THINGS that their child's need. But the love of father and mother are different. But danny would you like your kids to be like you ? I mean they will miss their dad, like you do, the---"

"Their mother can find another man to replace for me to be their father." He said interrupting glen. Glen shook his head

"Are you gonna let yourself like that ? Aren't you going to eat ?" Mark asked he didn't say a word.

"Can i have few more weeks off ? I just want to spend some time alone." He said.

"If that's what you want. But please promise us you will not stay like that for too long ? Eat something and take your medicines." Glen said. He just nodded and the lads said their goodbyes to him.


He's alone doing nothing , just sitting and staring at his picture. Picture of his kids from Jessie's instagram. He shut his eyes off and think for a moment if what will gonna happen in his life without her.

Few minutes later he decided to call stephen hoping that his kids are with their grand dad.

Few rings he heard stephen,they greet each other and he feel so lucky that stephen told him that darren and nicky are with them when he asked.

He asked stephen if he could talk to darren and he said yes.

He had so long conversation with his son, enjoying their time talking to each other.

After the phonecall he decided to sleep for a while.


2 weeks ago..

"Mum, dad asked me a question." Darren stated when they are currently lying in their bed while darren's head is on her arm and nicky is sleeping on the other side of her.

She's glad to be back home after weeks doing her work. And now time to spend with her sons.

"What was it ?" She asked her son. She has no conversation with him anymore and he didn't call to her after she saw him was so sick. "And when was the last time you talk to him?" She asked her son

"Last two weeks mum. That was our last conversation and he never call again." Darren said in his sad tone. Maybe he miss having a conversation with his dad.

"What did he asked you?" She asked looking at him.

"I don't know if why did he asked that, mum. I have no idea though. Before he ended up the call he asked me a question that i couldn't answer." Darren said and looked at her. "Do you think is that the reason if why he didn't call to talk to me again ?" Darren asked

"Would you like to tell mummy, if what daddy had asked you ?"She asked because she is confuse.

"He asked me.. What if he die ?" With that she looked away. Why the hell he would asked his son in that question. At some point she felt worried about him, guilty at the same time because she show him that she doesn't care about him.

But why would she care if there is already someone who's making her happy now ?

But why did danny asked that question ?

"I didn't answer him, because i don't know what to say....Mum, i don't want him to die. Is he going to die ? And why ?" He son asked worried.

"No, Daddy wouldn't die. He will live with you and nicky, okay ? Maybe daddy was just drunk that time. Or maybe he was just sleepy. Don't think too much baby. Daddy is fine." She said and hugged darren trying her best to comport her son.

"I love daddy so much. I thought i will hate him forever." Darren said while they're huggging each other. She pulled away at looked at him.

"Why ? Did you hate, dad ?" She asked and darren nodded.

"I hate him because of what happened to you before. I hate him because i know he has a girlfriend. But now when i let myself to listen to him, i started to love him, It feels like i'm not okay if i didn't hear his voice. Everytime we're talking before he did nothing but make me laughed all the time. He's a great father, mum. I miss him so much." Darren said. She just stared at the wall.

"He never call for two weeks now and i'm wondering if where he is. I'm worried about my dad. I wish he is fine."Darren said. And she wish he is alright. She has no idea about him though but now she's trying to forget about him as much as she can because she is dating with someone else.

For the sake of her son or sons she decided to text danny and she said on the text ....

*The kids missing you so much, Darren asking me if when are you planning to call or visit him again. Please talk to them, I don't want to see darren sad. He misses you so much. - jessie*

She then hit the send and hugged darren. Hoping that he will reply back for the sake of her kids.

Darren and Danny became so close to each other though so it will be hard for darren if his dad is not talking to him anymore..

She doesn't want to be the reason. She told him, Danny can still a father of their kids but he can't be her lover because she found someone better now.

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