#37: "The Smell of Your Perfume..."

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"I like it." His nose nuzzled against your neck, taking in the scent followed by a deep sigh. "I really like it." Fluttering your eyes open to look up at him with a curious expression, a smile was coming to your otherwise tired face. "How come?" He was still having his eyes closed, but the smile was matching yours. "Because it reminds me of home. No matter where we are in the world that scent of yours always seem to bring me back." He paused while biting down on his lip, "And that's why I love it. And you of course."


"It somehow helps me." Furrowing your eyebrows confused but still with a smile on your face you adjusted the phone with his face plastered on the screen over Facetime. "Every night when I'm home and feeling lonely, the pillow somehow still smells like you." His voice was raspy from already being half asleep; the time was almost striking past 2 A.M. If you looked closely you could tell that he was actually resting with your pillow instead of this and a warm feeling bobbled in your stomach by his words. "It always seems to help me fall asleep when the miss is hardest."


"It's like a drug to me." He hummed, removing strands of your hair and placed a soft kiss to your neck. "It's so addicting, sometimes when I walk past another woman wearing the same I almost get disappointed when it's not you." He paused to nuzzle his nose against your collarbone, taking in the scent that always seemed to follow you around no matter what. "Why are you so insanely amazingly cute?" You grinned lightly, feeling him readjust on the couch so his cheek was pressed against chest. "I'm just very happy that you're here with me right now."


"It reminds me of the one I bought you." Looking away from the mirror to glance up at him he stopped when he was right in front of you he laced your fingers together. "That's because you were the one buying me it." You replied, smiling when he seemed a bit confused and moved his face closer to yours just to get more of the smell. "Oh well," He grinned lightly to himself, smiling by his mini failure and pulled you closer to his chest. "That must be why it smells so wonderful on you."

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