#61: You Play The Sims

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A/N: I am possibly the biggest Sims geek you will ever come across like I've got all the games you can possibly have besides the 4th because I'm not really into that. If you have any questions regarding tips and such don't hesitate to spam my inbox because I will gladly answer everything!


"No, no not that color it's horrible." You were quick to comment once he had covered the whole floor in light lime green and gave his hand a short slap so you could take over your mouse. "You said you wanted something fresh!" He highly disagreed and adjusted you on his lap. "Yes, fresh as in something minimalistic not cocktail drinks colors!" You rolled your eyes by his lack of style when it came to design and settled with a carpet that looked both fluffy and also had a light beige color. "Oh yeah, grandma color is much prettier than the lime one, I agree." He sarcastically commented when you had decided both the bedrooms and living room would share the same carpet and you looked down at him with a quivered eyebrow. "Grandma, we almost have the same one in our living room?" He laughed quietly by how much you dedicated yourself into this game, when taking a look at the time he was amazed because so far you had spent at least 1,5 hours on making a family of two and starting to build the house from scratch. It was far from done and if he thought about it, it would probably take another hour before you would actually play the game. "You know you should become and architect one day considering how much you put effort into this." You laughed quietly by his words and pressed your cheek against his. "I don't need education trust me I'm already professional."


"Woohoo? Is that really the term of sex?" His tone was in a mix of unamused but still interested, his thick eyebrows furrowing in waiting of an answer. "You've really never played this before huh?" You commented back with a small grin, watching him shake his head in disagreement and looked back at the screen. "You would actually be surprised by how many places you can actually do it." You moved the mouse around to point at the bed, one logical place but also afterwards pointed at the shower and on a bathtub. "Now it gets interesting!" He leaned forward to look closer at your MacBook screen, it had only been for fun you wanted to play, haven't played for many months and seeing the small icon on your Mac. "What about there?" He excitedly asked right on a bench on the street. "No okay you can't just do it in the freedom you need to do it on some kind of object. For example if we start raking leaves together it will end up in one large pile and they will be able to do it in that." His eyes widened by your explanation and you could already tell that it was something he really wanted to see. "What are we waiting on let's do it!" He exclaimed without hesitation and you laughed carefully by his weird obsession already. "We have to wait until we're in Autumn honey. There are no leaves during summer but I like your enthusiasm."


"Did it work?" His eyes widened in surprise when you loudly shushed at him, holding a finger in front of your mouth to show what he had to do. "What I didn't do-," "Michael you have to keep quiet after they try for a baby otherwise we won't know if she's pregnant!" His eyes widened even more in realization of your explanation and you rolled your eyes but regardless laughed by his lack of knowledge. "You've even played this more than me how could you forget." "Well when I played back when I was 15 it was more likely how to kill a sim in 20 ways rather than build a family." You gave him a suspiciously look by his old habit of playing, trying to shrug it off and focused back on the game. "Okay we'll try once again please do be quiet this time." He made a movement with his mouth as if his fingers held a zip and you tried once again with your sims in the bed, waiting in excitement. You knew that if she had become pregnant before you wouldn't be able to hear the sound but it was worth the shot. Last time you tried for a baby you had to do it four times in the shower and afterwards in the bed because it didn't want to work. But when the familiar sound came Michael fisted his hands in the air, "I know that sound very well when I think about it. It's baby time!"


"You've got to be kidding me. That looks nothing like me." He had been passive throughout the whole game, more focused on his phone but when he glanced over at the screen shortly to see a clone of himself he had to comment on it. "What do you mean?" You asked back offended, looking between him and the sim you had created, they looked practically alike. You were just making a few adjusting while looking at him to make sure you would do it perfectly. "First of all my hair isn't that much of a curly face and oh my god what in the world did you do to my nose!" "That is what your nose looks like Ashton!" You were quick to answer back, you couldn't get it to look any better than this. "That is not how it looks like at all!" "How can you even see that you can only see the tip of it if you look down!" He leaned over to grab the laptop away from your lap and settled down with changing basically everything you had done with his sim. "You are not that muscular that's a lie." You tried to comment but he looked down at you still offended over the other thing. "How do I make a woman I'd like to show what your ass looks like from my point of view." You smacked him in the arm by his words but also laughed along, knowing it was only meant in a loving way.


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